2013 August
Christian Exodus
Syrian Rebels
Britain: "Rape Jihad" Against Children
Islamists Turn Wrath on Egypt's Christians
Christian Girls Being Snatched by Islamist Traffickers
Syrian refugees 'sold for marriage' in Jordan
No sanctuary for Syria's female refugees
Sen John McCain and Lindsey Graham support Syrian Rebels
US Backed Syria Rebels Commit War Crimes
Al Qaeda-affiliated groups gaining strength with Syrian Rebels
U.S. Backed Syrian Rebels Killing more Christians
U.S. Supported Syrian Rebels behead Christians!
U.S backed Syrian rebel 'eats the heart' of Syrian soldier
U.S. military team in Jordan
SEALs off the coast Aqaba
U.S. troops train to secure Syria
Dempsey: Syria intervention is "act of war" that could cost billions
Militants Turn Nigeria into Christian Killing Field
Islamic Jihadists Decapitate Egyptian Christian
Nigerian Kids Burned Alive
Most Say China Will Replace US as World's Leading Superpower
Chinese Hackers Stole U.S. Weapons System Designs
Indefinite Detention Without Trial
NSA/Big Brother
Fast and Furious Claims Two More Victims
Victims of Illegal Immigrant Violence Also Oppose Amnesty
IRS Refunded Tens of Millions of Dollars to Unauthorized Illegal Workers
Muslim Brotherhood America's Next Great Enemy?
Islam Will Dominate America
Rabbi Arrested on Third Impersonation Charge
Preacher Arrested for Calling Homosexuality a Sin
Church of England Revisits Push for Women Bishops
Disciples of Christ Church Votes to Affirm Homosexuality, Allows Gay Leaders
Queen Elizabeth Gives OK on UK Gay Marriage
Britain's Archbishops Respond to Gay Marriage Legalization
George Zimmerman rescues family in truck crash
The Politics of Race: "Perpetual Victimhood"
U.S. Bio-lab in Georgia
State Police taser 11-year-old autistic girl
2013 September
Glenn Beck tells the European Israeli truth!
Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists”
Black mob pounces on woman: 'Shut up white [bleep!]'
Black mob strikes Ohio mother
Black mob-in-training bullies white girl, 3
Shhh! Teen mob that raped 2 women ... was black
Police not interested in brutal beating on tape
Black teens, 16, who beat WWII vet to death
Black Teens kill white baseball player 'for fun'
Racist tweet from murder suspect
Vicious: Blacks pummel white child on bus
White Man in coma after black mob of 50 pummels him
Black man in hoodie stabs white girl 11 times
Kaboom! Now black mobs kill 4th of July
Blacks mob kills white victim & eye kicked out of socket
White Family picnic turns to horror thanks to black mob
Mall maul nothing much, authorities report
DHS Employee Behind Racist Website
Non-citizens could serve on California juries
More Apostasy!!
Jonathan Foster Murder
Rebel Gas Attack in Syria
US Contractors Cited for Syrian Chem Attacks (video)
Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Attack
Fmr Chief of Staff Raises Israeli False Flag Terrorism
Syrian rebels use toxic chemicals
Pentagon’s Involvement In Chemical Attack In Syria
Western Allies prepare their 3rd WMD attack on Syria
American Troops and CIA Operatives Have Entered Syria
USS Nimitz carrier group rerouted for possible help with Syria
John Kerry’s Syrian Fable
Syria says will defend itself
Russia warns U.S.
This is the most dangerous time in modern history
The Chessboard of World War III
British lawmakers reject military action in Syria
Al Qaeda Group Behind Benghazi Attack Trains Syrian Rebels
Does Obama know he’s fighting on al-Qa’ida’s side?
The destruction of Damascus
Military Refusing To Fight For Al-Qaeda
Navy NCO objects to helping Al-Qaida
It wasn't just Skittles Trayvon was carrying
Fifth Destroyer Joins US fleet Off Syria
U.S. Amphibious Ship in Mediterranean
Upcoming Documentary to Know About
NSA admits willful surveillance violations
Russians Train To Disarm US Citizens
China Considers The U.S. A Mortal Enemy
Communists in Congress? Just count 'em
Kill Teams Assigned To Rural Areas Of The U.S.
Pat Buchanan: U.S. has been ‘de-Christianized’
Why not host teen sex sleepovers?
Sailor Proposes to His Boyfriend
Be Afraid America!
Protesters demand organ transplants for illegals
Bill gives illegals student-loan 'equality'
immigration plan devised by Communist Party
Secret Deal With Mexico
B-1 Bomber Crashes
Chinese Ships in Drills With US Navy
Remember bogus U.S. excuses for Iraq
Did U.S Gas Syria To Usher in World War Three?
2013 October
American Muslims Stone Christians; Police Turn a Blind Eye
Muslim Brotherhood Murders Christians For Not Paying Jizya Tax
Muslim Brotherhood Influence Reaches White House
Egypt wants WMD’s out of the mid-east
Sen. McCain: Whoring with the Jihadists
Bin Laden Raid “One Big Lie”
U.S. State Dept. Ships Arms Directly to al-Qaeda
rebels eat human hearts
U.S. backed Islamic Terror Groups Are Killing Christians
US weapons in Libya
Army Values at War with Christian Values?
California links Beltway Snipers to Jamaat Al Fuqra
Muslim War Against Christians
Islamic Compounds in America are Training for Jihad
Muslims of the Americas
U.S. Arming Rebels That Massacre Christian Villages?
more gas use by Syria militants
Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus
Russia Urges Syrian Rebels to Destroy WMD’s
Kenya blames US, Israeli intelligence
$7.8 bln in junk F-35 contracts
Russia, China Hold Large-Scale War Games
Iran Army to stage week-long massive drill
Russia plans to boost Mediterranean naval presence
Russia unveils wartime plan
China Buys 7.4M Acres of farm land
Chinese Military Capable of Jamming U.S. Comm
Another Northern California county votes to secede
Congress Moves To Outlaw the Alternative Media
Media puts Whistleblowers With Mass Murderers
Police In America
CIA, mind control & mass shootings
rising illegal immigration
Illegal-Immigration Quota Costs $2 Billion a Year
leaders move to shield illegal immigrants from deportation
undocumented immigrants to practice law
CDC Director Arrested for Child Molestation and Bestiality
As Superbugs Rise
Taxes Hit All-Time Highs
First Lady requires more than twenty attendants!
Syrian Christians Face Extinction
Christians Facing Darker Days
Syrian Opposition Elects Muslim Brotherhood
Gunmen attack Sunni town
Hillary to Huma: Dump Weiner or you’re out
Hillary was bisexual
Department hosts rooftop same-sex wedding
waging sex jihad in Syria
Transgender weirdo Named Homecoming Queen
85 Christians killed in bombing at Pakistan church
Al Qaeda-Linked Syria Group Enjoying USAID
Chinese Seek U.S. Surrogates
Blacks attack pedestrians in Chicago
Black man arrested for sex with neighbor's dogs
Black brothers charged w/ molesting 10-yr-old
Black Man arrested for gang rape of teenage girl
Black bus driver accused of masturbating
Black teen gets 17 yrs for killing 12-yr-old girl
Black men abduct 14-year-old
U.S. supported rebels cuts heart out of little girl
Syria rebels accused of 'execution' war crimes
'de-Americanise', says China
Saudi seems to be awful chummy with putin?
Your land called America will be filled with enemy
Air Force Space Surveillance System
NORAD move raises security concerns
Israel tests long-range air refueling
billions in tax credits to illegal immigrants
Obama secretly signing away U.S. sovereignty
Mayor torpedoes plans to fly China's flag
Corrections Officer Charged in Rape of Child
teen accused of killing Mass. teacher
School allows Freak in girls bathroom
museum seeks return of ancient gold tablet
Cincinnati Police Strip Search College Girl
Arizona Police Abuse Disabled Girl
Fully Nude Strip Search by male Cops
Louisiana woman Stripped by Male cops
UFC fighter breaks up mob attack
Blacks attack white woman and 9 year child
U.S. debt jumps a record
grassroots unite to block immigration ‘disaster’
‘violent criminal illegals are released every day’
Soros pushes for Amnesty for 33 million
Georgia teen was stuffed with newspaper
‘Teacher of the Year’ candidate indicted for
child sex knowing he had HIV
Woman stabs boyfriend in eye after he refuses group sex
Mom charged with killing daughter, selling her for drugs
Two men charged with molesting & impregnating 10-year-old
mom charged after son's body found in oven
Black man rapes & shoots man
Married black ‘pastor’ allegedly spreads HIV
Blk High school cheerleader accused of pimping younger girls
28 men may be charged in 11-year-old's rape
Chicago man who killed 8-year-old jumping rope
Girl who reported bus-trip sex punished
Black on White Crime the ignored Victims
U.S. Justice department Black vs White Crime statistics
Black boy stabs White boy to death on Martin Luther King day
Black women steals white baby, so she can kill & eat it
Blk Woman kills pregnant white mom & cuts baby out
Black mob attacks pregnant White woman
Racist Blacks attack White man
Trayvon Mob Attacks Whites on way to hospital
Black flash mobs terrorize Philadelphia
Blk Mob attacks & molest White tourist in Baltimore
Real hate crime
Blacks Beat Up White Man/another blk man stops them
from killing him
Woman Kills Pregnant Woman & Cuts The Baby From Her
Crazy ATE Her Baby Son's Brains & got off
The world is headed for hell
15 yr old fornicates with 500 men! (athletes &
Hollywood roll models led the way)
Nasty Freak has sex with dog
9 year old raped & pregnant
-Warning graphic
2013 November
2013 December
U.S. objects to China defense
Cold War: Putin Talks Tough Over US Arctic Rivalry
China expresses regret over South Korea air defense zone
"China-Japan War To Break Out In January"
Hagel warns Pakistan
Mandela sings about killing whites
President Obama going to communist terrorists memorial
Mandela in his own words
Kill the Whites
South Carolina sheriff defied President
President Obama accused of LYING
Beheadings and spies help al Qaeda gain ground
Muslims ‘slaughtering Christians like chickens’
3 Christians executed after refusing to convert
The slaughter and torture of Christians
Defendant in UK soldier killing: I love al-Qaida
Damascus paper says rebels use nuns as 'human shields'
Damascus blast kills four as rebels take Christian town
Syria army secures Damascus-Homs highway
U.S.- Israeli Anti-Missile Test
Could Satanists get a monument at Oklahoma State Capitol?
Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings
Twisted Newlyweds “just wanted to murder someone together”
Satanists plan statue to stand alongside Ten Commandments
Brazil's child sex trade soars
Black man drapes naked white girls around his neck as 'Trophies'
Tension at Temple Mount is escalating
7-Year Old Christian Boy Brutally Tortured to death
Christians Flee Violence
Sudan's Christians 'Are On the Cross' Daily
'War on Christmas' Tip of Greater Battle
Nativity Scene Sparks Atheist Backlash
Croatia Voters Ban Gay Marriage
Enslavement and sexual trafficking is widespread
Miracle Survival
"Racist" for not attending a workshop on Islam
Muslim Brotherhood Advising Obama Administration?
Botched chemical abortions from the pill RU-486
“We Will Pry Your Gun from Your Cold, Dead Fingers”
In rural America, secessionist sentiment stirs
Where are the FEMA Camps?
FBI able to secretly turn on Laptop cameras
"Texas will protect our own citizens”
Illegals pose as a disabled veteran for social security
1929 Analog
The end game is absolutely horrifying
Homeland Security Taking Control of Local Police?
Texans live in fear of fracking quakes
Student Arrested for Burping in Class
Link Between Abortion and Breast Cancer
Christian Church maybe turned into a mosque
Christian B&B Owners Lose
Christian Bakery Must Serve Homo’s
Homosexual Couple Fights to Divorce in Mississippi
Christian Student's Prayer Event Flyers banned
Founders established a Christian nation
Starving cancer with ketogenic diet
Eat Nuts, Live Longer
2014 January
What would a U.S.-China war look like?
New Bomber Can Nuke US!
US sends Hellfire missiles to Iraq
Rising China's pride and its mighty army
2015 post-Soviet union ready
Beijing suburb build Kremlin copy
N. Korea military to bolster combat readiness
Chinese to build a $40 billion Nicaraguan canal
Chinese military's secret to success
UK military risks becoming 'hollow force'
The Shipyards of Shanghai
Pakistan says no to military action
Pakistan protests may make US fly war cargo out
China was 'irresponsible' in stand-off
US backs Philippines, warns China
Russian missile deployment raises alarm
India launching retaliatory measures against US
India tells US 'times have changed'
Chinese unmanned spacecraft lands on moon
U.S. Judge:Obama DHS Aiding Conspiracies
Snowden has more U.S.-Israel secrets
End looms for A-10 tank killer
U.S. drone strike kills 17 civilians at wedding
U.N. experts urge U.S to explain killing of civilians
al Qaeda gains sympathy amid U.S. drone strikes
Russia to answer conventional attack with nukes,U.S. disarms more
Cold War: Putin Talks Tough
Know About Nelson Mandela
Where’s the racist???
Syrian rebels battle army in Christian town
Syrian rebels kidnapping doctors
Muslims torture more Christians
Christian girls gang raped
U.S to keep Christian from having guns
Christians being labeled extreme hate group
DHS vs. Christians
Pacific sardines dieing out
Pacific Coast Star Fish Dieing off
Blackman given less than one year for raping white girl
Mute rapes 15 year old on way to school
White lady raped by blackman she helped
Ariel Sharon's condition is worse
The spread of radical Islam
Disastrous Fast and Furious program
Blk mob attacks white Lady-47 stitches
White victim brain dead after attack by blackman
White Lady brutally attacked by black man-N.J.
NYC black mob attacks white couple
Norfolk- black mob attacks white reporters
Kim Jong Un's uncle fed to dogs
Human Foot Found in Shoe in Florida
Police 'hijack' hearse of 16 yr old murder victim
Black man attacks Lady in restaurant
Feds order Potassium Iodide
Apollo 11 moon landings
FBI Agents Caught Dating Drug Dealers
Church Burned on Christmas Day
Nigeria: Refugee Crisis
Christians arrested in modern Israel
Christians arrested in Iran
2014 Febuary
Russian cruise missile tests
China Making Air Force, Navy Upgrades
Nuke Shield Gone? (M.A.D is no more)
China threatens US military superiority
China's nuclear missile drill seen as warning to US
Complete Chinese War Preparedness
Ominous warning
Russian Navy to Get 40 New Ships in 2014
Roubini doom scenario
Military drills could spark disaster
The West is being disarmed
F35 is Still Junk!
Putin Warns of ’Outside Interference’
Ecuador wants US military to leave
Fighting For a Failed War
Kabbalist Urges Jews to Israel
Iran Reveals Plan to ‘Confront U.S. Navy’
US AirSea Battle concept useless against China
U.S. weapons flow to 'moderate' Syrian rebels
Al-Qaida Claim Responsibility for Egypt Blasts
Raytheon lands Foreign Arms Sale
Ancient Christian Communities Are Being Destroyed
400,000+ Christians flee!
Evangelical Leaders support illegal invasion/ takeover
Church canceled so pagans can worship other gods
Witch hunt or witchery
More Witchery?
TSA saw you naked!
NSA collects 200 million text messages daily
SNIPERS take up position in MetLife Stadium
USSA Dissident threat list
NSA Spying on Your Angry Birds
Importance Of Being Prepared
Sniper Basics
Christian film stripped of ‘Best Song’ Oscar
Conservative chaplains have 'gone underground
National Cookie Boycott
Illegal immigrants arrested with stolen Target data
Homosexual Mexicans get green cards
Disney hosts homosexual fest
Boy’s home used to pimp kids to pedophiles
Himmler documents have been found in Israel
Black Police officer pimps White teenage wife
Woman confronts teacher who allegedly raped her
Girl committed suicide after sexual assault by 3 boys
Impeachment for Obama?
China’s Risky Flirtation With Military Adventurism
What Are You Going To Do When A
Massive EMP Blast Fries The U.S.
Electrical Grid?
2014 March
Obama in confrontation with Putin
Obama & Kerry warns Russia
Ukraine prepares for face-off with Russian
U.S. Spies Say Russia Won't Invade Ukraine
U.S. Spies Said No Invasion of Ukraine—Putin Disagreed
Why We Keep Getting Putin Wrong
Scud launch violated UN resolutions
Is China Depegging Against the Dollar?
China: Train station attack
Turkey anti-government protesters clash
Venezuelans hit streets for more protests
As Russia surges, is US still a 'superpower'?
Jews protest against Israeli draft law
Concern grows over rising piracy
Worst crissis sence the cold war
Tough response for Russia (idiots fomenting another war)
Air Force still doesn't get it
F-35 to big to fail???
F-35 cracks need redesign
Pentagon treason
key JFK assassination witness, dies
Demonic Prosecutors support Amish convictions
American Companies And Their Owners Are Greedier
never going to be able to retire
Republicans For Killing A Bill To Support Veterans
U.S could give as much financial support as Ukraine needs
(just not for us vets who have to fight these stupid conflicts)
Satanic Murders in U.S.!
Carpet baggers that raped our south, go to Ukraine?
Government Spies On Innocent people again
Cameras ‘In Every Neighborhood’
Officials ordered those who fail to register guns or face arrest.
Secret Police In Clergy Robes
WWI designed by NWO
Pentagon Ignors Fact
Pentagon call for China & U.S militarys to work together!!!
Trators destroyed our nuke shield for the last 20 years
Pentagon’s Incredible $1.5 Trillion Mistake
719 New Problems for the $1.5 Trillion F-35
TUF China Finale Results
Muslim rebels extort Christians
SAVAGE AUDIO: 'Why I oppose amnesty
Muslim jailed for sexual attack on 6-year-old
African Restaurant Served Roasted Human Heads
Mexicans kill white couple for T.V.
Lenin's prophecy about the United States
Radiation in California Kelp Plants
Lesbian Moms on Disney Kid's TV Show
The Purge
NATO Troops Land In Ukraine!
Demons Kidnapping Children
Edge Of Nuclear War
WW3 Update: Poland Sends Army To Ukraine
Russian Forces Massing
Republican Leaders Found Supporting Jihad
Power Plant Attack
Is Ukraine & World War III Next?
‘Sorcerer’ sentenced to death
Muslim Group Forces Christians to Submit to Islam
2014 April
Russia Floats Out Fourth Stealth Submarine
CIA Messed Up or coverd up
top ten defense technologies of Russia
Russia Starts Massive Air Defense Drills
Chinese overwhelm U.S. visa program
Russian Boyscouts
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 a government cover-up
Israel talks up threat of force on Iran
US, Russia talks fail
Russia’s Military Begins Nuclear War Drill
Western Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun
Corporate Interests Behind Ukraine
Turkey Leaders ADMIT to Planning War with Syria
How Much War Does Washington Want?
Israel and Syria: edging towards the brink
Israel F-35 Can Carry Nuclear Bomb
heads of government played nuclear war game
Turkish military pounds Syrian army bases
Turkey shoots down Syrian army jet inside Syria
Putin Is a Pawn of the Bankers too
Babies incinerated in massive ovens
family pedophilia crimes
Babies burned in U.S. too
Teen's death follows radical immigration policy
Top 5 shockers inside immigration bill
Grenades, .50 caliber machine guns on U.S. border
GOP crafts plan to wreck country
Illegals march across classified military base
Bill gives illegals student-loan 'equality'
GOP immigration plan devised by Communist Party
Southern border fence? Works great here!
Amnesty price tag? $6.3 trillion
Communist Party USA calls for amnesty
McCain a 'bozo' for supporting amnesty
Immigration reform spelled a-m-n-e-s-t-y
Another Bush for amnesty
Rand Paul wants illegals turned into taxpayers
Savage: Rubio backers 'secretly working for Hillary
human smuggling operation
Obama administration released 68K convicted criminal aliens
Sen. Paul keeps pole position
human smuggling ring
Black Death graves
Yellowstone rattled by largest earthquake
Idaho Family Terrorized by Midnight Paramilitary Raid
DHS Drill: Military, Veterans, Capitalists Are The Enemy
Nuke Being Detonated in Manhattan
'Planet X'
New planet discovered
Homos throw bags of feces on Christians!!!
Kill the Boer in Africa Means Kill the White
Flight 370 Passenger Sends Message
South Korea exchanges artillery with North
Are the Israelis Planning Another 9-11
China Will Dominate the World
US on High Alert
FBI severs ties with Southern Poverty Law Center
Don’t Worry, Putin, Asia Has Your Back
Church Failing Millennials
2014 May
Ukrainian PM: 'Russia wants to start a third World War'
U.S. would react immediately
"wants to start World War III" (NBC News)
Russia wants to start third world war
Russian spy ship 'eavesdropping' off East Coast
U.S. Army downsizes more
U.S. provides TOE missiles to Al-quida in Syria
Russian and Chinese Troops Have Breached
Russian Spy Planes over U.S.
force in Ukraine remains on table
American Plane in Iran!!!
What the hell is an Bank of Utah plane doing in IRAN?
Jordanian jihadis in Syria
Putin: 'We are not afraid of anyone'
Russian bear and Chinese dragon shake paws
Can Russia break dollar's spine?
today, we show our teeth
The Late Great United States
Saudi ends 'largest' manuevers in its history
Christians in Raqqa Syria Crucified by rebels
Teen girl tried to kill her grandmother
Illegals move in Vet’s home while deployed
Why Homo’s should’nt be teachers
Blacks Attack old man
14 year old girl raped for 10 hours
Girl in foster care raped since she was 14
Attack on homes with salor power
Bush is Pro-Gay and Pro-Abortion
Liberals Announce Plan to ‘Purge’ Christians
3 black thugs murder white man
3 black UNM football stars rape girl
Hundreds massacred in South Sudan
Kroger manager fired for doing good
Republicons Might Pass Immigration Bills
Eric Holder insubordinate to congress
Modern Isreal Top Gay Tourist Destination
Why Ukraine is important to Russia
Federal Reserve Warns Of loss of Farms
FBI Drops Sandy Hook Bombshell On Themselves
14-year-old killed girl over boy
Adolf Hitler Hunted in Argentina
University Wants Fewer Whites
Obama has homo bishop pray @ White House
Sen. Leahy aids Muslim Brotherhood thugs
South Africa after apartheid
14 yr old forced into sex slavery
Official Business?
Russia tests new ICBM
Germany, Russia & China ditch the dollar
Water boarding OK for CIA, but not doctor
U.S. SLBM subs gone traded for attack subs!!
F-35 junk delayed again
U.S. sends Anti missile ship toward Russia
U.S. warships in Black Sea makes waves w/ Russia
White people to dumd to breed, replaced w/ illegals
U.S. taking out competions for mexican cartel
US seizing tax refunds of children over parents' debt
Man strip searched for $3 dollar ear rings!!!!
Oklahoma has recorded 148 earthquakes in 1 mo.
2014 June
US companies get hurt by sanctions
US still backing rebel scum in Syria
US accuses China
Biden - Ukraine connection
Syrian rebels murder 102 yr old man
Chinese general tours U.S. carrier
the F-35 will be flexible (or junk)
Russian Nuclear Weapons
Israel & Syrian rebels
Putin's Export Machine Rolls Right Over Sanctions
Iraq update
China may build an undersea train to America
Chinese Money to Sustain Russian Economy
U.S. agent caught in Pakistan
Islamic militant attack kills hundreds of Christians
Russian planes flew near California
US ships are a target
polio now a world health emergency
NATO supply convoy in Pakistan attacked
Claims 220 Australian child sailors raped
Christian Persecution Get Worse
Pentagon's Anti-Zombie Plan
NSA is 'creating huge facial recognition database
girls who were raped, murdered and left hanging from a mango tree
H.Clinton’s state dept didnt lable BOKO HARAM as terror group
Muslims rape more Christian teen girls
U.S. gov. frees illegals who are murderers & rapists
Rescue All the World's Children Who've Been Kidnapped
Blk man forces 14 yr old into prostitution
Blk man kills white girl
NSA Intercepts Computer Hardware
Master Currency Counterfeiter
Muslim Boko Haram kidnapping of Christian girls
Black-on-Black Homicide… 75% of All Gun Murders
Plan for unidentified 9/11 remains
Syphilis Makes a Comeback in U.S.
FBI Head tells about Elite's Satanic Child Rituals
Muslims punish rape victims again
KFC worker suspended
Murdered by Cops
Kennedy ordered Marilyn Monroe's murder
Jersey woman was buried alive
Gas prices shouldn't be high, but are
Crusader Murals found
2014 Bad teachers
High school teacher has student’s baby
Queeries Get National Park Recognition
Pervs push for nude beech
Porn distroys your brain!
Quantum computing software
“Gay” Bishop Gets Divorced
EXPOSED: Satanism in the Industry
Mexicans have invaded
South africa has no room for whitie
Kappa Kappa Gamma almost murder pledge
U.S. Hispanics are leaving Catholic Church
Christians pusicuted by HGTV
Coach rapes and murders 10 yr old
2014 July
Colossal Shift In America’s Values
Immagration invasion is a communist plot!
Ex-commie spymaster warns of rapid 'American descent'
Americans Have Joined Militant Group ISIS
Western-muslim jihadists rally to ISIS
Holder 'believes he can refuse to defend any law he doesn't like
Obama admin has released an untold number of immigrants
United States Border Collapses
Communist group demand U.S. surrender!
Perfect Red Heifer Discovered To Be Sent To Israel
Evolution loses again
Troops re-arrest freed Christian woman
1,000 Pakistani women stolen yearly
Turkish military assists attack on Christians
Christians left unprotected from Islamic marauders
Christians No. 1 target of extremists
Rape of a 12-year-old boy
Blackwater leader threatened to kill a State Dept. investigator
second queer Anglican priest has married his same-sex partner
Illuminati Theorist Warns of Satanic Child Sacrifice During Summer Rituals
U.S. on the verge of becoming a minority Protestant country!
Methodists OK pastor marrying queer son
Friends hospitalised after becoming 'possessed'
Illegal-alien population surging
Have sex with your students & keep your job
Armed Mexican troops in confrontations with U.S. authorities
World's Largest Private Tank Fleet
Main stream Churches helping communist invade U.S.!
Health Issues Associated with Illegal Immigration
Muslim militants recrut Children as Young as 10 to Be Soldiers
Russia christens new top-secret submarine
U.S. Gov. and Top Mexican Drug Cartel Exposed as Partners
CIA “Manages” Drug Trade, Mexican Official Says
Mexican Drug Trafficker Says He Worked With Feds
Congress Probes DEA Drug Money Laundering Scheme
Feds Let Mexican Cartel Hit Men Kill in U.S.
FBI Now Linked to Murder of U.S. Border Agent
Militarized Police Treating Citizens as "Wartime Enemies"
Amnesty To Cause A Massive Spike In Illegal Immigration
Natural antibiotics to stockpile
Cochran and Mississippi Election Burning
More Treason!!
Men Using Girls' Bathrooms!!!!
Church in Minnesota, now a mosque!
Nigeria: 4 Churches Burned Down
90 more Christians kidnapped in Nigeria
Islamic Takeover of Schools
Russian Navy to Receive 50 New Vessels
Russia’s Military Spending Boom
Children Kidnapped by muslims
Illegal Immigrants Swamping America
Snowden docs will be released
Hamas Vows to ‘Open the Gates of Hell’
ISIS & U.S. ‘Allied In Syra’
Teaching kids fisting OK, Christianity not OK
China’s DF-41 missile can wipe out 3 cities
Chineese weapons the world should fear
China constructing more Type 054A frigates
2014 August
Russia detects, 'expels' presumed U.S. submarine
Be Afraid, Europe
Bombers penetrated U.S. airspace at least 16 times
They’re here
Commies could attack any day!
Nuclear War Ahead
Nuclear Bombers Keep Roaming Closer to U.S.
US warns Russia
World War III Triggers
Russian troops mass on border
ISIS Online Campaign Luring Western Girls
World War 3 Coming? Hagel Says
China goes ballistic
Russian Strategic Bombers
Modern “Israel” gives China Iron dome tech
United States-sponsored coup d’état in Ukraine
China Advances on Missile Defense
US loses Simulated Air War with China
'Christianity as we know it in Iraq is being wiped out'
warning on ‘torture report’
US 'hiding truth' on downed Malaysian plane
China’s Colinization of Africa
People leave hospitals with Pandemic-Causing Diseases
Obama's Plan To Destroy America
Ebola Virus Being Released Into Sewage System!
U.S. Military Concealed Troops’ War Crimes
Russia banning US poultry imports
NATO Pledges Support To Conflict-wracked Ukraine
Putin Retaliates Against Sanctions
Russia Bans Food Imports From U.S., EU, & Others
Petrodollar Under Threat
Border Patrol Morale at an All-Time Low
Rancher Says Illegal Immigrants ‘Overwhelming’
China 'confirms new generation long range missiles'
$1.5 Trillion F-35 Broke the Air Force
ISIS jihadists fight Kurds, Christians & Sunni tribes
Isis defeated and withdraws from Syria villages
Isis beheads, crucifies Christians in Syria's east
Attacker Asked Man If He Had A Gun Before Punching
War On Christian Education
Holy War Arrives in Germany
20,000 Iraqis have safely fled Mt Sinjar
Ancient Giant Human-Like Beings in Georgia!
Women and children buried alive!
Thousands From Iraq Minority Flee To Syria
Did We Lose the Technology to Go to the Moon?
Federal Reserve Is Telling Us The Economy Is Pitiful
Homeland Security inspector is arrested
Public Schools Mandate Sex Ed for Kindergarteners
Largest Charities In America Are Money Making Scams
What the Hell - Judge Rules Bathroom Cameras Legal
Christians Should Not Believe in 'Left Behind's' Rapture
Man rapes woman in a rock concert!
What Ebola on a Plane Means to U.S.
China's has their own space station!
Police Search Home in Murder of Teen
2014 September
Chinese fighters intercepted U.S. aircraft
Chinese jet intercept
US fears run-in with Chinese fighter jet
China’s New Fifth-Generation Fighter
Don't mess with nuclear Russia
$2B Aircraft Carrier the U.N. Navy Paid to Disappear
Chinese building supercavitation submarine
NATO sends 10K troops to Ukraine
Putin has absorbed the West's 'consequences'
China and Russia conduct military drills together
Mexican Army Invades Arizazona- AGAIN U.S. does nothing
illegal immigrant families released into the US
Illegal kids swamp public schools
Diseases carried by illegals 'coming to your town'
La Raza invaders Demands U.S. surrender now
Feds Stand Down and lets United States Border Collapse
Terrorists know how to get into U.S.
'Very Close' to 'Full-Scale War' with Russia
6 year-old boy beheaded because he was Christian
Cops Guns Down White Boy and, Media Goes Silent
Yazidi women 'sold into sex slavery' by jihadists
Christian ‘catastrophe 100,000 fleeing ISIS
5-Year-Old Christian Boy Cut in Half by ISIS Terrorists
Forced to watch crucifixions, stonings and beheadings
Three million Syrians are now refugees
Iraqi-christians-reveal-horrorof islamic-state
Muslim sex ‘grooming’ gangs
Fined For Refusing To Host Gay Wedding
Open queerdom =declining number of gay bathhouses
Woman who helped expose pedophile sex ring missing
Teacher having sex with students
U.S. Gov. buys ads in mex to bring back deported illegals
Black Mass in Oklahoma
Lawsuit Claims Michael Brown Was Charged With Murder
Satanist burns Holy Bible outside mission
Modern Israel Claims Nearly 1,000 Acres of West Bank
Worst Ebola outbreak in history
Rocker, Wants to Behead Christians with 'a Blunt Knife'
multiculturalism is a failure & a conspiricy to defeat the west
Woman Uses Her Gun To Ward Off Abduction
Teacher Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Student
White man attacked by 20 blacks
cyber security chief convicted in CHILD PORN
Police sexualy assault women
Sex offender 'seduced' TWO female jail workers
5-year-old abducted from school
5-Black teens video tape gang-rape on a 16-yr old
Black suspect that raped 11-year-old
Black man rapes girlfriends 5-yr old & sets her on fire
Black teen on bail rapes pregnant teen at school
Blk man raped and impregnated a 11-year-old girl
Blk cheerleading coach charged w sexual assault
Black Texas pastor receives 180yrs for child rape
11 blacks gang rape a 16 year old girl
Mother and Daughter murdered by Black man
Blk man arrested for raping 93-yr-old White Woman
17 yr old girl killed by communist at school
Muslim rapes & murders preganant white girl
Degenerate Porn master Al Goldstein dead
2014 October
U.S. would react immediately
Russia wants to start third world war
Turkish military pounds Syrian army bases
South Korea exchanges artillery with North
NATO Troops Land In Ukraine!
8 Russian aircraft intercepted
Russian fighter planes are running amok
New Chinese cruise missiles 'could sink a 3,000 ton warship'
China's anti-ship missile could trigger nuclear war
PLA radar technology nullifys US stealth jets
PLA to buy 700 stealth fighters
PLA wants naval bases in Indian Ocean
Putin warns against 'illegal' military action in Syria
Russia ‘regrets’ US decision to shelve Syria talks
Accusations that Syria used chemical weapon 'against logic'
Putin orders vast expansion of Russia's Black Sea fleet
US sells cruise missiles to Poland
The CIA & ISIL a team
Black man suspected or mudering white girl
Blk men shout ‘This is for Michael Brown’ & holds up white couples
Demon scum creates burgers that taste like human FLESH
Police brought in an armored siege vehicle
Something Very Strange Is Going On
Satanic sex cult forces little girl to have sex w/ 1800 people
Are you sure its best to send your kids to college?
Georgia Guidestones Get Odd Addition
CDC confirmed first case of Ebola in the U.S.
Plan To Kill 90% Of World Population
Islamic terror threat within our borders
Muslim man beheaded an Oklahoma woman
Muslim Attacks Christian, Christian goes to jail!
Human Slaughterhouses For Christians!!!
Muslim rapes six women as well as a 13 year-old girl
Muslim Rapes Christian Baby!!
Turn The Other Cheek???
Governor urges citizens to prepare for zombie apocalypse
Unspeakable Horrors Becoming Normal
Fmr. U.S. supported Syrian rebels threatens to gas troops
Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad)
Chemical attack near Aleppo was with rebel-made weapons
Queers rape man at Oktoberfest
FBI reports show no deaths @ sandyhook??
Cops murder unarmed man
OK City Beheader Linked to Pentagon Diner al-Awlaki
57 students who vanished in mexico
Oklahoma police rape women while on the job
Site Where Jesus Was Crucified discovered
Tomb Of Jesus Christ discovered
Jesus Christ’s Childhood Home
Jesus went to England
Ghost On Camera??
Teacher Has Sex With Students
Man Raped & Murdered His Newborn Baby
Mexican Man Rapes Girlfriends Baby
Christian Baker shut down
Cop Sworn To Protect Children, Rapes Them
Cops sodomize man in public
Black men murder 9-Year-Old
Black mob beats white man unconscious
Up to 25% of college women raped on campus
Tebow looking for wife with Biblical morals
Miss Nevada urges women to fight back
Punk garbage attacks handicapped boy
13 yr old boy rapes 8 yr old girl
Music Teacher Has Sex With Student
Priest Accused of Giving 6-Yr-Old Girl STD
Revenge porn and 11 yr old girls making porn!
2014 November
Russian military flights sending message they are ‘great power’
Russian Bombers Conducting Nuclear Strike Drills
U.S. Chides Russia Over Military Flights In Europe
Russia probes NATO defences
Russia holds military drills
Russian flights over Europe raise tension
Russian Naval Ship Reported
World War 3: Russia Simulated Attack
NATO Intercepts 19 Russian Military Planes in 1 Day
NATO reports 'large scale' Russian air activity
J-31 could bring one-two punch to China’s air power
Chinese Nuclear Submarines
China starts own world bank
China’s DF-31B ICBM ‘poses threat to US
China unveils anti-drone laser weapon
N. Korea Launch Sub Capable Of Firing nuke Missiles
Obama took a hostile attitude toward Russia
America: One Step Away from the Third Reich
Iran: We Aim to Destroy US Navy Forces in Gulf
Russia ready to deliver US supplies
Freedom for evil none for the good
Persecution Reaches Unprecedented Levels
City Removes Noah's Ark Display From Playground
Smuggled oil, sex slaves, kidnappings
Marry Sodomites or Go to Jail
Anti-Christs destroy Ten Commandments
Seven Seals of Revelation Have Been Opened!
Christian & Yazdi girls for slae
ISIS puts bombs in the Christians homes to kill them
Archbishop says Force May Be Only Way to Save Christians
The Godless pope Embraces Evolution
United States of Gomorrica
Robertson Won't Share Restroom With Women
Females bomb out of USMC infantry again
Freak teaching your children
School Teacher Arrested for Lewd Acts
Doctor kills his wife
Ebola doctor runs around NYC
Be Doers and Not Hearers Only
Does the military have a problem with Jesus?
Jihadists From 80 Countries Flooding in for ISIS
Scum arrested
Teachers Not Allowed to Say “Boys & Girls”
A De-Dollarized World
CIA Plane in Big Aussie-American Heroin Bust
Busted Again! Another American "Mystery Plane"
drug operation tied to organized crime
Putin to the Western Elites: World War Is Inevitable
SCO anti-terror drill
Christian Holocaust is Near
Muslims Attack Swedish Christians
School Kids Given Islam Propaganda,
Islamic takeover plot of public schools
white Christian grandmother beheaded by muslim
ISIS beheading Christian children in Iraq
Obama’s Grandma Admits He Was Born In Kenya
Ambassador says Obama Was Born In Kenya
‘Nurse lied, roommate in Africa had Ebola’
Ebola may live more than 28-days
2014 December
Are you awake yet!!!
China’s Javalin
China’s Drones
China’s Air Defense
China’s Strike Weapons
Chinese combat recce vehicle
Chinese great RADAR wall
China’s new counter stealth radar
Chinese Air Attack – Old and New
New Chinese UAV’s
Chinese J-31 Stealth Fighter Jet
China Flaunts Stolen American Technology
China Military Advance to test U.S.
Russian Arm’s Sale to China
Russian ICBM modernization
Return of the Russian Missile Trains
Vladimir Putin has urged Washington
New Russian Stealth Submarine
Russia's Navy Replenishes its fleet
Russia Prepares for War
Russia to carry out large-scale military drills
Traitors let Muslims invade our nations cathedral!
Is the pope a muslim?
A sad day: The End Of WASP
Muslims taking over England
It’s the end for Iraqi Christians
'Every Single Christian Wants to Leave' Iraq
Rape, Forced Conversion by ISIS
Blk Muslim murders white Christian
Russia to Continue Helping Syria to Combat Terrorism
Syrian Army Fighting ISIS
Russian Plane to Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Syria
NATO planes spending most of the time on the ground in ISIS fight
ISIS, al-Qaida, Muslim brotherhood are the same
Dutch mother rescues daughter from ISIS
Most of the GOP wants the illegals to invade too
U.S. Marshals Service spy’s on your cell phone
U.S. Corporations & Senators in bed with the enemy
At the brink of war & U.S. still in bed with the enemy
Four Iraqi Christian Kids Beheaded
UN suspends food aid to 1.7 million Syrian refugees
Scum kidnaps 14yr old girl & abuses her for 10 mo
Mexican truck driver kidnaps & rapes 6 girls
22yrs & Justice finally came
Forced high school prostitution ring
14-year-old girl held captive & sex trafficed
Sex pervs murder & rape little girls & women
Repeat offend rapes & murders again
MLK was a communist puppet
Mysterious flash lights up night sky in Russia
Blk man pushes Asian in front of train
Blk gang beats white man to death with hammer
Blks yell kill white people before hammer attacks
Blks terrorize mother and daughter at store
Blk singer ‘Jokes’ About ‘Killing Crackers’ in Their Sleep
Generic drugs go up 8,000%
Flu vaccine kills 13
Communists Have Taken Over America
Illegals to get obama care after all
2015 January
World War 3
Russian Modernized Blackjack
Russian military T-14 Armata
Russian T90S tank
Russian/Israeli Ka52 Attack Chopper
China’s (Z10) version of the Apache
China Has New Type 1130 CIWS
China Sent Warships to Syria
China to invade the United States?
Russian 'ABM killer' intercontinental missile
Russian Plane Zaps U.S. Warship’s Defense System
New Kalashnikov’s Weapons Production AK12
Communist win again (Cuba)
North Korea squads infiltrated the US in the 1990s
$1.1 trillion bill that funds Executive Amnesty
VD rate soars in seniors!
Queers refuse Christian weddings, no charges filed
Whitie may not be so bad after all
Black man attacks white girl in bathroom
Black murderer receives vacated conviction; white -victims ignored
Admiral Richard E Byrd - Hollow Earth Video Interview
Operation Highjump - Admiral Byrd
Third Reich - Operation UFO
Two children are dead from Rabbi’s herpis
molestation victim retaliated against
North Korea was NOT behind the Sony hack
Hate crimes against Christians ignored!
MH370 Diego Garcia -Now We Know!
Black man murders 16 yr old white girl
Chambers’ Black Friends Talked About Raping/Burning White Women!
Blacks Called For Rape & Burning Of White Women
6 Blacks serverly beat white girl
Black man burns girl friend alive
Black man guns down unarmed white man
Black man stabbs white girl to death
Black man guns down white man in his home
White girl killed by 2 black men
Black man murders his white girl friend
Black man murders white mother & daughter
Black man murders white man & sets his body on fire
'It costs more for a girl with blue eyes'
ISIS "Executes 150 Women And Girls
Modern Israel Joining ISIS??
ISIS: Creation Of The CIA
ISIS and The CIA
Freedom fighter of Kurdistan
Foreigners fighting ISIS
Iraq's Baghad-to-Erbil route
ISIS Plot to Kill Queen's Guards
ISIS Uses Chlorine Gas in Iraqi Anbar Province
U.S. ignored early plan to stop Islamic State
Lack of funding to help sex traffic victims
U.S. banker Epstein accused of sex trafficing
Sex-trafficking suspect ‘tested’ teen girls
Queer guilty of dismembering perversion partner
Warped society infatuated with watching murder
Blacks beat white person for fun
Black man held in burning murder of Chambers
NFLers pull a cosby
Police serverly injure baby
2015 Febuary
Israel Plans “Free Trade” With Putin & Beijing
Russia Orders Snap Test of Nuclear Missiles
DF-21D ballistic missiles deployed
Y-20 spotted in test flights
China's 2nd aircraft carrier
N. Korea holds drill targeting US carrier
Russia Plans Joint Military Drills
China, Russia and India complements union
Long Range Russian Radar Start Active Combat Duty
US training for the Ukrainian military is underway
Iranian General Killed in Syria by Israeli Airstrikes
How China Benefits From U.S. Technology
Investigation Proves China’s Army Is Hacking the U.S.
Iraq receives new Russian MI-28s
Fall of Mosul was “a conspiracy,”
Final Words On Doomed AirAsia Flight: “ALLAH AKBAR!
Muslim burns ex-girlfriend to death
Muslim Brotherhood Takeover Obama Administration
Obama Releases Illegals – To Commit More Crimes
Muslim Beats Daughter to Death for being Christian
Obama to bring 75,000 Syrian Muslims into U.S.
Have We Already Surrendered?
Martial Law In America & World War 3 Within Weeks!
"There Won't Be Anything Left"
The Spetsnaz On US Soil?
Gorbachev Issues Another WW3 Warning
Nuke Countdown Starts
Will you survive nuclear war?
World War III Has Started-Gregory Mannarino
World War III Has Started
Swiss Franc & Euro Decouple, Russia Cuts Gas, Road to WWIII
Major War Exploding Soon-Charles Nenner
Hezbollah Acquired an American M1A1
US is behind the attempted coup in Venezuela
Cuba slams US, Israel for ‘creating ISIS
It Is Time To Pay Attention!
The Coming Death Of Our Nation
Former CIA Official Lied in Boston Bombing Cover-Up
The Curtain-Raiser
Road to Residency
Pope Francis To Cross Mexican Border In Solidarity With invaders
Christians Heroically Kill 65 Jihadists
Yellowstone supervolcano on verge of eruption
Children of married parents do better
Pedophilia, in America: Legitimizing Child Rape
5-yr-old dies of same flu she was vaccinated for
Flu shot hoax admitted
MMR vaccine clinical trial results FAKED
Islamic State 'Purging' Iraqi Libraries
Muslims Attack Christian School
UK Closing Christian School for Intolerance
Muslim brotherhood Claim Christian Kidnappings
Why Churches Should Battle Porn
CNN Touts North American Union
Un-American Hero: The Crimes of John McCain
Hillary's War In Libya Based on ''Stupid Facts''
Clinton Stayed In Villa With Preteen Sex Slaves
Super Wealthy Preparing Bug Out Locations?
Blacks Terrorizing White People in St. Paul, MN
FBI Official: We Need to “Keep Fear Alive”
Obama Criminally Opens Border
Obama Admits U.S. Role in 2014 Ukraine Coup
2015 March
N. Korea fires missiles at South & US
China submarines outnumber U.S.
Russian fighter jets to stage exercises
'all out conflict'
US military officers guilty
US preparing to target Syrian gov. positions
Typhoons scrambled to intercept Russian bombers
Libyan beach executioner an American recruit?
NSA to spy on EVERY home computer in the world
Iraqi Forces AGAIN Claim US is Supplying ISIS
Operation "Expose Domestic Torture Sites"
Obama forcing illegals on neighborhoods throughout country
Store bans 'Jesus,' but OK with 'Allah'
Man with 666 tattoo kills man in church
Christianity on verge of extinction in Iraq & Syria
Gov. says your the threat not isis
Egypt catches Islamic State infiltrating Sinai
Christians raped, sold, killed by ISIS
Executive order for a bullet ban
Dresden – The Holcaust Of WWII – 600,000 Dead
Red Baron shot down 'flying saucer'
US military has become so depleted
ISIS 'planning to murder 150 Christians
Cell Phone Battery is the new Spy
Iraqi Christian Men Fight
ISIS's bloody trade in human organs
Egyptian planes pound ISIS
‘No Way Out… Your Money Will Be Worthless’
Illegal Aliens Freely Jump Border to Commit Crimes
Dollar touches 11-year high
IRS supports illlegal invasion with your money
US military satellite explodes
Albert Pike and Three World Wars
'vampire ritual' killing
Monarch Mind Control Program
Texans to be tracked like dogs
Is Obama Treating Christians Differently
private mercenary groups for law enforcement
Yellowstone park's Boiling River running warmer
US Christians back emerging private war
GOP cow tows again
woman on life support after being attacked by pit bull
Gov. can’t stop illegals, but they stick it to the Amish
Chicago’s secret jail
Georgia officer who shot handcuffed man
Kansas City officer indicted for shooting man
NYC police officer charged in shooting unarmed man
Supreme Court Justice Uses “Dr Seuss”
Dead Sea Lions Litter Malibu Beaches
Rabbi’s sucking baby *****?
Rabbi supports kidnaping & torture?
Scum 'beat friend with crowbar’
Mother lets baby die, busy making porn
Teacher has sex with 6 students @ school
Another woman missing
Witch doctors murder albino baby for spells
2015 April
Russia developing 5th-generation subs
Russia's Unseen New Armata Battle Tank
Israel gives secret U.S. Military Technology to China
US THAAD to deploy to South Korea
Iran’s cruise missile could strike beyond 2000 km
Club-K Container Missile System- Crap!
UK mothballs 16 Apaches
Software Glitch F-35- its still junk!
U.S. Surface Fleet Vulnerable to Attacks
US military satellites vulnerable
China’s cent. American canals grow!
Interview with President Bashar al-Assad
Russian Submarine Activity Surges 50%
Russia’s Attack Posture
China’s World Bank: The End of Capitalism
Russian Military Jets Intercepted
Russia ready to send peacekeepers to Ukrainian
China’s hypersonic strike vehicle
Russia’s Arctic Militarization ‘Disturbing,’
Russian satellite sparks ‘orbital weapon’ speculations
Obama Silent As ISIS Kidnaps And Captures Over 90 Syrian Christians
Statue Of Jesus Raised Up In Midst Of Syrian War
Andreas Lubitz Co-Pilot Of Flight 9525 Was A Muslim
Was mass-murdering co-pilot Andreas Lubitz a Muslim?
Paper Says Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood
Israel helps ISIS & launches airstrikes on Syrian Gov.
Obama Authorizes Muslim Brotherhood at US State Department
ISIS Crucifixions In Northern Syria
Chechnya Threatens to Send Weapons to Mexico If U.S. Arms Ukraine
Russia Ready for Nuclear Confrontation Over Crimea
US airborne troops being redeployed to Ukraine
U.S. Ships 100 Abrams Tanks & 50 Bradleys to Ukraine
Obama sends F-15s to Europe to provke Moscow
Saudi Arabia to allow Israel use of its airspace to strike Iran
Iran tests ‘combat robot with machine gun’
Iran finalizes 360 degree early warning air defense radar
Iranian version of US stealth drone
Russia launches ‘wartime government’ HQ in major military upgrade
Russia to hold more large-scale military maneuvers
Russian naval maneuvers in the Arctic
3 Black men attack 1 white man
Children found in freezer were slain
Eric Holder says this is shamefull
noose on Univ. of Mississippi statue
Holder doesnt say a word about this!
Justice for Jessica Chambers
167,527 Criminal Aliens Loose in U.S.A.
Signs in the Heaven
Did Illegals spread Tuberculosis
immigrant stabs 3 young Children to death
Presbyterians deepen the apostacy
Frats Secret Photos Lead to Charges
Wesleyan Campus Night of Overdoses
Military trains for Martial Law in America
Kicked out Because He Was Homeschooled
US-Israeli missile test over Mediterranean
Israel gets fifth ‘nuclear-capable’ sub
Israel rejects call for nuclear transparency
Israel can withstand Iranian missile strike
ISIS tortured Kurdish child hostages
2015 May
Russia Conducts Nuclear Bomber Flight Near Alaska
U.S. F-35 Grounded (again)
How to Build a $400 Billion F-35 That Doesn’t Fly
Pentagon’s Incredible $1.5 Trillion Treason!
Iraq receives Russian Mi-28
Russian Armata unveiled
Russia prepares nuclear surprise for NATO
Russia takes advantage of U.S.’s castrated forces
China’s stealth fighter could fly at Zuhai Airshow
Japan jets scramble at Cold-War levels
Cold War cat-and-mouse is ratcheting up
Air Force Confirms Shuttering of Vital Airlift Wing
FBI Links Chinese Government to Cyber Attacks
China refuses to dislose # of their Nukes
Warren Buffett supports communist China
Pentagon's 'Long War' Pits NATO vs China, Russia
Russian Nuclear Bombers Invaded US Airspace
Russian Tu-160 Bomber to Be Invisible to Air Defense
Kidnapper mentions the satanic group “The Company”
the human race become demonic
Where the traitors will hide when we fall
What happins when isis attacks Texas? isis dies
Fall of Western civilization' at hand
No limit to their treason!
ISIS is Controlled By the CIA
ISIS base just south of Texas
ISIS murders 300 more, U.S. apparently unconcerned
ISIS plans to kill hundreds of millions
ISIS Rapes Cancer Patient
ISIS executes 28 Ethiopian Christians in Libya
Satanists claim Abortion (human sacrifice) a ‘Religious Belief
Texas State Guard To Monitor Operation Jade Helm
South Koreans Willing to Become Martyrs
Christianity Is on Brink of Becoming Criminalized in U.S.
UN Troops Raping Children
Syrian army cuts militants supply line
U.S.-led airstrike in northern Syria killed at least 52 civilians
Black Crime Facts
Baltimore Cops Face Charges
Vaccine Propaganda Exposed
Female College to accept Freakish transgenders
robots will take over 30% of our jobs
Man Spreads Ebola Via Sex
ISIS rapes & impregnates 9 yr old
Homo STD’s skyrocket
Queer TSA agents groping again
ISIS uproots Christians who use language of Jesus
Baghdad Christians lament empty pews
Muslims threw Christians overboard
Blk men rape white woman on the beach
Vindictive overkill, enough all ready
Queer coach charged with molesting 25 students
Cops do it again
multiculturalism is treason & multicrap
Black woman attacks teacher in school
African morality conqures America
Gang of Blacks attack a Blk Man & his son
US secret bunker, made the Gulf of Aden Vortex
2015 June
China-US On “Threshold Of World War 3″
Intel Agencies have begun to prepare for WW III
NATO “We’ll Probably be at War This Summer”
Nuclear war our likely future
China state paper warns of war
China warns U.S. jet away
U.S. vows to continue patrols
Russia adopting 'increasingly aggressive posture'
China’s PLA switching to an offensive footing
China deploys surveillance vessels to Hawaii
PLA Navy will have 415 warships
China's SE Asia strategy known in 1970s
China’s F-35; except it works- the J-26 STOVL
Russia to Unveil Aircraft Supercarrier
Russian tanks arrive in Ukraine
China's twin-fuselage drone
Chinese warships to join Russian Navy
Conflict In The South China Sea
Supersonic strategic bombers heading to Crimea
Russian army could deploy anywhere in the world in
7 hours
Russian 'ABM killer' intercontinental missile
Russian S500 missile system
China fast builds ‘counter-space’ capabilities
China to project its military further and stronger
N. Korea tests a submarine-launched ballistic missile
Christians freed in Libya thanks to Egypt
Boko Haram hacks 10 Christians to death
Boko Haram kills more Christians
Isis fighter trained by the State Dept
Obama to “dramatically increase” Muslim refugee
flow to US
ISIS: 400 Slaughtered and Mutilated in Palmyra
ISIS fires chlorine gas rockets
Christian Woman Raped By 22 Muslims (beware the
video is graphic)
Christian U.S. marine court martialed
Martin Luther’s writtings stolen from museum
2,000-year-old Holy Thorn Tree cut down
'Holy Grail' Nanteos Cup stolen by thieves
Church Faces Murky Future
Where Are All The Christians?
Christianity Is Under Attack, Christian Genocide
Hindu’s in India Depletes Village of Christians
Gen. Say’s That Christians same threat as isis
Muslim man stabs and drowns Christian woman
isis murders 10 more in Nigeria
Iraq gives 2,300 armored vehicles to the isis
isis expands its territory in Libya
Black man horribly murders white family
Swedish girl missing 30 years
Lesbian teacher allegedly sexually assaults child
9 brains found next to train tracks
5-year-old boy was killed by a dog
2015 July
Elites Planning Fall Of America
US-China war 'inevitable'
Soros Warns Of World War III
China’s PLA could use neutron bomb
China marshals its options to attack Christian Taiwan
Russia has rehearsed an invasion of SCANDINAVIA
China sends military armor to Venezuela
New missiles for Chinese submarines
China opens another high speed rail
US losing nuclear arms race to China
US to abandon the Chinese-owned Waldorf-Astoria
“The World is Unable to Fight Next Global Crash”
UN Vehicles Caught Trying To Hide Logo in U.S
UN base & tanks Spotted In Missouri
Obama's closest and most influential adviser-communist
Turkey Plans to Invade Syria to help isis
China Homegrown C-17 Clone
Russia Testing Three More Stealth Fighter Prototypes
Russian Su-27 Fighters Intercept US RC-135
Hypersonic Missiles Being Developed by China
Stink’n trators arms isis
US Refuses to Support Anti-ISIL Coalition
ISIS captures 88 Eritrean Christians in Libya
ISIS reportedly gives away sex slaves as 'prizes'
ISIS bride recruiter warns European girls
isis storms Syrian city of Hassakeh
isis scum murders more & U.S. sits silent
ISIL Kicks Out Taliban, Captures Vast Territory in Afghanistan
Muslim suspect took selfie with beheaded victim
US Secret Military Biolabs at Russian Border
Russia Accuses US of Pushing Kiev to Continue in Bloodshed
US Decision on Lethal Weapons for Kiev Undermines Accords
US Senate Pushes for Lethal Aid to Ukraine
US House Passes Resolution for Lethal Aid to Ukraine
US will place 250 tanks across Eastern Europe
Russia suggests America has NEVER landed on the moon
Church where Jesus performed the miracle of feeding the 5,000
POLICE found & returned the Holy Grail
Marine life disappearing on west coast
Pentagon Will Need Russian Rocket Engines for Years
Star of Bethlehem back, get ready
World markets plunge
America will get 80% As Much Radiation As Japan
Modern Israeli Massacre in Gaza
US War Manual Makes it Easier to Kill Journalists
TPP secret treaty
Ignore public court's decision on spying
'satanic' game sending teenagers into a panic
Porn whore Converting to Judaism
communists stole data on every US gov't employee
Train Your Much Cheaper Foreign Replacement
Queer child molesting rapist scout leader
Doctors let 19 yr old girl die
Fall Of 2015
Cineese buying U.S. homes at rapid rate (Invasion)
After the white man is gone
Black man exterminates white family, beats girl friend
Black teens on rape spree
Black man murders another white man
gay-themed tours of the Vatican
2015 August
Turkey uses isis as excuse to attack Kurds
Trump Warns: We Don't Have Much Time
U.S. to Release Convicted Israeli Spy
Israel secretly sells American nukes to China
Israel sold sensitive military equipment to China
Israel developed Ka50/52 russian attack heliocopter
Israel sold China the plans for the Lavi fighter
Israel selling U.S. secrets to China for decades
Israel Selling US Patriot Missiles to Red China
Chinese Hacker info Could Identify U.S.Spies
China and Russia align strategies against US
China’s Technology Show EOTS advances
China's Stealth Helicopter To Counter F-35
Traitors don’t want our soldiers to be “over-armed”
Bush fine with trangender sickos in military
Obama still supports coup in Syria
Russia Shoots Down the Arab spring coup
US Goverment Preparing for Economic Collapse
American woman killed by lion in S. Africa
Lion kills woman in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe town on lion alert after two maulings
More Outrage Over Lion Than Travesties of Planned Parenthood
Judge: Baby Organ Harvesting Is A State Secret
Persecution Of Christians Is Intensifying
Judge Fines School Over Christian Prayer
Hollywood edomite arrested for child porn
TSA 96% failure rate, but they get to rape you
Snakes had legs after all
Dead LA man who had 1,200 guns
Obama’s fast & furious strikes again
Gayo’s rape another one
isis child beheading Syrian man, funded by your tax $
isis teenagers execute 25 Syrian men
More pestilence
1 in 5 sexually active teen girls use the death pill
Homo’s take over Reno
Blacks give white man vicious beating
3 Blk Men sexually assault 10 yr old girl
Blk Man 5-year-old girl numerous times
Blk Woman murders baby
Blacks drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl
Blk men rape woman & force boyfriend to watch
Blk man kills white man in Memphis
Blk men hit white girl with pipe
Blk Hooker Rapes and Infects Boy, 6, With HIV
Blacks kill black Confederate flag supporter
Obama’s kids he let across the border murders
Obama’s kids do it again-white girl raped & killed
Blk man shooting @ 1 yr old boy killed by a hero
Queer cop rapes 14 yr old girl 33 times
Illegal immigrant on rape & murder spree of whites
Maybe all white cops aint so bad after all
Hero Woman killed serial killer attacker
Queer Doc uses mind control to rape woman
He brought queers to the army & now the boyscouts
Hero criminaly charged by scum legal system
2015 September
F22’s abandon Japan & head for Russia
U.S. in fear of Russia’s activity in the Atlantic
China’s “Guam killer” missile
US Deploys Two Predator Drones to Latvia
Doomsday Countdown
China's Rise as 'Great Military Power'
Russian Troops Arrive in China
Russia is deploying new air-defense to the Arctic
Russia moves huge number of troops to western border
China’s DF-5B ICBM 'can hit any target on Earth
China’s DF-26 IRBM is without peer
China-Russia naval drills
Iran’s S-300: A Russian deal or a Sino-Russian deal?
isis Intimidating U.S. Military Families In Colorado & Wyoming
Christian Church Vandalisms In Fort Collins Co.
Federal agents attack civil defense Preppers
Iraqi Nun on Christian Persecution
Boko Haram Kills 16 Christian Fishermen
ISIS executes women for not being a sex slave
CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral unhappy with Trump
Atheists Force Jesus Christ Out
Russian banning perverts
Germany embraces perverts
New York supports perverts
Arizona supports perverts & child abuse
Mexico Warns Texas to ignor U.S. Constitution
Mexico runing more dope across border
Heroic men defeat armed terrorist scum
U.S. training terrorists linked directly to ISIS
isis leader rapes American girl
TSA agent charged with molesting
Modern Israel wants Kurd oil
Russia's loyalty gains it friends
Communist obama links to communist islam
Muslim Brotherhood in US Gov’t
The Golden Age is Over
Did The FINAL WAR Just Start?
FOX NEWS is Hillary Clinton’s 9th Largest Donor!
Backs Call for Lynching of Whites & Cops
Farrakhan: We Must Rise Up and Kill (whitie)
Back man executes white Texas deputy
Black male executes white news crew
Black man attacks 72 year old white lady in Church
Black Mob Beats White Male
Witnesess against Clinton diying off again
ISIS kidnaps 230 Christian
Isis kidnaps 150 Assyrian Christians in Qaryatain
ISIS kidnaps more Christians
240,000+ killed in Syria conflict:
Deceased blond white girl stolen
Christian Churches bombed in New Mexico
Destroying white history
Christians are under Attack
Legal immigration record high of 42.1 million
isis used chemical weapons again
Isis rape weapon
150 Clinton emails were subsequently classified
Planned Parenthood selling complete babies
After years of lowering standards girls finally pass A substandard Ranger school
2015 October
Israel Prepares Ground Invasion of Syria
CIA Spawned Terror Group in Syria
Clinton Funded by Islamic Terrorists
Russian Marines Battle ISIS in Syria
U.S. training helped mold top Isis commander
Gen. Petraeus wants U.S. to arm Al-Qaeda
USA Support of ISIS In Syria
Putin calls fight against Islamic State in Syria a priority
Trump on Putin; Him Fighting ISIS ‘a Wonderful Thing
Putin to those who supported “Arab Spring”....
Chinese military joins Russia in Syria
CIA director John Brennan may be a Muslim
Russian Jets Strike ISIL Positions
Syrian Air Raids Kill Scores of ISIL Terrorists
Syrian Army Pushes Back Terrorists
‘If we stop training, arming jihadists, the war will end’
isis contest with lure of sex slaves
F-35 Fighter Jet Has Another Problem
ISIS sex atrocities
Obama brings 1,500 terrorists to U.S.
Putin a Better Leader Than Obama
Illegals hope Marxist Pope will bring end to deportations
Illegal Immigrant Accused of Gruesome Executions
America to Lose WW III Along With 90% of Its Population
U.S. Army patch for fight against Isis looks like Muslim Brotherhood
Pope Francis Embraced merge with islam
500K+ driver’s licenses issued to illegal immigrants in California
ISIS: Koran says it’s OK to rape non-Muslims, including children
Al-Azhar University teach that Muslims are allowed to eat Christians
Ode To A Dying People
Communists in white house has Infowars operation under surveillance
Parent Alert: ISIS Is Coming After Your Children
Everyone Who Wanted More F-22s Is Being Proven Right
Germany in a state of SIEGE
Hungary Sheds Bankers’ Shackles
Sandusky Sex Scandal Connected to Pedophile Network
Israelis Working Hard to Keep al Qaeda Strong Inside Syria
70,000 Whites Murdered in ‘Modern’ South Africa
Investigative Footage on Planned Parenthood
Senator Rubio and Graham support Abortion
Latinos charged with murder of white girl
U.S. companies 'at war with Christians
The banned FOX news report
Christians Discriminated Against by Israel
Christians Are Martyred Every Five Minutes
Movement for Pedophile “Rights”
Trump’s Attack on McCain Didn’t Go Far Enough
the Confederate Battle Flag Purging
Hillary rages to Obama
many are not the peace-loving job-hunters
Muslum refugees, but Christians left dead
President Trump's refugee quota: 'ZERO!'
Muslim preacher: Migrants must breed& conquer
Muslim refugees murder Christian
Muslim immigration overwhelms FBI
Christians Are Going To Be Banned in U.S.
Washington Has the Ethos of USSR
Germany Leaving the US Anti-Syria Coalition
Blacks attack 60 yr old white lady & lose
2015 November
'Prepare For The Worst'
Russian navy turns up the heat
Russia Prepares To 'Avoid Colossal Losses'
Russia May Start Training Civilians for Nuclear Attack
Russian Nuclear Units On The Move
China Condemns U.S.
China not afraid of fighting a war with U.S.
F-35 Fighter Jet Has Another Problem
Putin Says Some States Have ‘Oatmeal in Their Heads’
U.S. jets intercept Russian planes near aircraft carrier
Russian submarines near underwater cables
China 'to start work on super, super-collider
Russian military showing capabilities no-one expected
Russia shows off inexpensive little ship
Iranian Experts perfect the anti-ship missile
U.S. Marshals Seize Cops’ Spying Records
Human DNA found in hot dogs. (Ezekiel 5:10)
Actions You Take Now Will Determine Your Fate
U.S. backed Rebels using Women as Shields
Special Forces deployed as ‘human shields’
Group Files Suit Against CIA ‘Queen of Torture
Turkey set to attack Syria again
Prophetic Damascus devastation
Banks to start charging for cash deposits
Psychological Conditioning of Political Correctness
Arab spring, isis and the immigration crisis by design
Hillary’s First Lady?
NOAA Refuses to Hand Over Climate Change
CIA, gun lobbies behind US shootings
A confederate soldier speaks
U.S. Ground Troops in Syria
Evil wants to Burn Unborn Babies As Fuel
Muslim Migrants Turn Sweden into Rape Capitol
illegal invaders demand free house and car!
Muslims proclaim their coming for your daughters!
Town Of 100 Gets invaded By 750 Migrants
Muslim War Returns to Europe
Treason Charges Against Merkel Over Migration
Invasion pushing Europe to disaster
exodus of Cubans headed to the U.S.
Nickelodeon Show Created By Porn Writer
Bit*h slap to the white male
Massive ‘crack in the Earth’ Opens Up
Unknown Manmade Object is Headed for Earth
Hillary Clinton is the Rape Culture
White House to Protect Clinton
Special people are above the law
Abortion Clinic That Killed Four Women
nuclear-fusion reactor
FBI let Jared molest Children for Years
2015 December
Russia’s ‘Nuclear Torpedo’
Russia deploys fifth-gen fighters & S-500 missiles
Putin claimsAmerica passed on details of its flight path
Russian plane was downed to secure isis oil
NATO covered up Ankara over incident with Su-24
Refugees allowed into the U.S. were actually terrorists
Origins of ISIS – Special Coverage
Christian Army Fighting ISIS Pleads For U.S. Support
Christians face being wiped out from the Middle East
Muslim Brotherhood Rape Boy
Illegal invasion of U.S. across Rio Grande Rises Sharply
Obama's Love for Jihadis and Hate for Christians
Obama pushing for the invasion of the U.S.
Fired for refusing to address girl as transgender boy
Christians fired after refusing to call a girl a boy
Blk Men murder a 6 yr old to get a white girl
sex tra-cking victims were in the care of social services
Black-on-White Intimidation
Immigrants brutally rape 17 yr old white girl
Orbiter Finds No Evidence Apollo Missions Landed On Moon
Merkel greeted as a traitor
Swedish church removes crosses for Muslims
Islamization of Austria
Europe's Last Stand
America's Islamic Threat
Muslim Immigrants Destroying Europe
Jewish Rabbi-Paris-attacks-are-payback-for-the-Holocaust
Poland defense minister in hot water over Jewish conspiracy
A Good reason to home school
Nude Photos Jolt Colorado School
Trump-on-paris-attacks-victims-shouldve-had-guns-like texas
2 Blk men rape & murder Pastors white wife in Indy
Hungary's migrant crisis
Migrants in Sweden BEHEAD shoppers
Sweden's response to IKEA stabbing spree
Sweden Being Raped To Death
German rape crises
Islamic rape epidemic in Norway
Muslim Migrants warn Germans
Muslims attack Christians in France
immigration crimes continue
Muslim Rape Gangs roaming Europe
African migrant rapes 7 year old girl in Germany
Hungary : Shocking videos left by Migrants
Illegal Migrants Use Children as Tool
Illegal Invasion of America
Blk man lost tunge in rape
Belgistan -- The New Muslim Capital Of Europe
London - The New Muslim Capital Of Europe
Muslims Beat up Christians for Christmas Fun
Czech leader calls refugee influx an 'organized invasion'
Erdogan says Turkish troops to remain in Iraq
Russia Asks For Erdogan To Resign and fulfil his promise
Why is Obama Working With ISIS to Eradicate Christianity?
Proof Of Invasion on US Soil!
Terrorists Have "Capability To Strike At Will"
'Massive Main Event' After 43 More Propane Tanks Are Stolen
Obama Funds Overseas Mosques
FBI obstructing his charity work in Africa
Scores dead in rebel assault in northern Syria
Muslim Mob Murders an Afghan Woman
Muslim rape girl for 5 days 'to get her to convert to Islam'
Young girls forced into 'survival sex'
Christianity Facing ‘Elimination’
Christ taken out of school, islam put in!
islam forced onto students in Virginia
What’s Next on Gun Control
New Gun Ban Bill Hits Congress
Illinois Attempts To Ban Private Firearms
They Must Disarm You to kill You
BBC Fire Staff Who Exposed child molester
Protecting Pedophile Politicians
Blk Man douses woman in gasoline
Threats Of Massive Scale Attack
GOP strategists call for Trump’s assassination
NWO Bush ally for Hillary Clinton and Obama
Obama has actively sought to destroy America
e.coli retaliation for Chipolte's anti-GMO menu
New wave of Invaders
Over 200 Migrants Storm Spain’s Border
Populist Right-wing Explodes Across Europe
Blk muslim charged with supporting isis
US Holds Full Spectrum Nuclear Wargames
“Enjoy Your Final Christmas”
China edging toward a conflict with the US
MI6 Boss Warns Of Impending Russian Attack
China blasts the US over 'serious military provocation'
China to build navy base in Djibouti
Russia sends troops and missiles to Arctic bases
Russia sends clear message to Turkey
U.S. expands Russia sanctions
EU extends sanctions on Russia
White House & CIA knew U.S. was arming isis
Brain washing the Children for destruction
Corp & State openly trying to murder little girl
Christian Church attacked with white powder
extensive damage caused in 2nd Church attack
Islamic Cannibalism
Women will destroy U.S. Spec Ops abilities
2016 January
2016 Febuary
White House Official Warns: 'We Are Nearing The End
Christian Suffering and U.S. Denial
Standing ovation for plan to kill 90 percent of humans
U.S. and Turkey begin Ground Invasion of Syria
Turkish artillery shells Syrian territory
The Truth About Slavery
The Truth About The Crusades
The European Migrant Crisis
Russian 5G fighter to go into serial production
Planet X?
Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs
Bilderbergers against Trump
WWIII is on the horizon
Russia unleashes massive bombing on terrorists
American Indians & muslims unit!
Turkey, Israel & ISIS Conspire
U.S. forces equip Ukrainian soldiers
Germans Turn on Merkel
Taliban Control Highest Since U.S. Invasion
Top Expert: Zika is Biowarfare
United Airlines Blocking Pro-Life Websites
Judge demands transgender male be able to use Girls bathroom
Women Are Dying From Abortion
Christian Women Funding Abortion Industry
Abortionists Grieve Over the Babies They murder
Pastor Graham on U.S. Episcopal Church
Obama Admin Gave Children to Human Traffickers
Americans are being replaced in Iowa
Porn is more addictive than cocaine
Public school teacher sent explicit pictures to students
Public school teacher gets 22 years in prison for having sex with 17yr old
Woman has sex with dog
NASA experimnt: woman has sex with dolphin
Queer teacher has sex with student
Man has sex with dog
seminary student planned to have sex with adopted baby
satanic couple offered 3 yr old girl for sex
Pit bulls kill 9 yr old boy
Pit bulls kill 5 yr old in texas
Elephant kills man
Elephant kills water buffalo
College girl killed by homo for experimenting
Political correctness insanity
Obama replacing white America
40% of Germans want Merkel to quit
U.S. Commits $9.5 Mil to Migrant Education
Teacher Arrested for Harboring Illegals
B.P Caught Shipping Illegals Deep Into U.S
Muslim Refugees Crapping In Pool, Raping Women
Disney Replacing U.S. Workers With Immigrants
Merkel You Have Killed Germany!
Illegal immagrint rapes 10 yr old girl
U.S. lets 1 Christian in per 500 muslims
Clinton emails put lives at risk
Germany to Spend 600 Million Euros Housing Migrants
Women Duped by Other Women
2016 March
China Warns U.S. After Trump Wins Nevada
F-22 Raptor-found in China!!!
China Puts Anti-Stealth Radar in the South China Sea
China's Military Capabilities In The South China Sea
Chinese media calls for 'firing shots and ram U.S. warships
China sends missiles to contested South China Sea island
Saudi Warplanes Arrive at Turkish Airbase
350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Ready To Invade Syria
U.S. sent 60,000 anti-tank rounds to Syria & Iraq
Russian deployment in Armenia rattles Washington...
50 MiG-29s Headed to Egypt
Israel: Russians Are Not Our Enemy
U.S. using Spec Ops troops as shield in Syria
NATO warns Turkey
Putin Threatens Turkey With Tactical Nukes
Turkey's nightmare is coming true
Syria ceasefire breaches by Turkey, & terrorists
Turkey said earlier the ceasefire deal was not binding
Russia-Turkey tensions mount
1 million Beijing residents living underground
RAF jets intercept Russian bombers
God and gravitational waves
Trump calls to audit the federal Reserve
Trump: the border wall just got 10 feet higher
CIA Chief: Armed Forces Would Have To Disobey Trump
Insider Leaks Koch Bros, Rubio Plan to Stop Trump
GOP establishment banking on brokered convention
Hillary’s grand total is: $21.7 million for 92 private appearances
Scalia’s death linked to Bohemian Grove, Illuminati
Feds release more Clinton Top Secret emails
Clinton emails mirror top-secret documents
Clinton tried to 'cover' up Benghazi
Marine banned from daughter’s graduation
Companies from 20 countries supplying isis
70 killed in ISIS-claimed Baghdad bombings
Hell as an ISIS sex slave
The Trumpets of Revelation warm up
Comet on a collision course with Earth?
Islamists Group to Counter Soldiers in Norway
Official Says EU Will “Completely Break Down”
Europe Collapsing As Migrant Invasion Doubles
Migrant crisis takes toll on EU
Zika Cases Growing Quickly
Austria, Balkan nations, want full stop to migrants
Black man shoots 18 people & murders 4
Blacks attack whites at rally
Blacks attack another Iraqi War Vet
Black man murders white police officer
Black man burns white girl to death
NYC slashing attacks
What happens when blacks control your country
Anti-Christ says stop writting “all lives matter”
Police kill more whites than blacks
CIA trying to recruit transgenders
Man undressing in women’s locker room
50 shades of gray murders another one
Man stabs 14 to death before hanging himself
Gay black man accused of “knowingly” spreading HIV
Catholic priest who repeatedly raped woman....
2016 April
Russia’s next super submarine is almost ready
Russia tests HYPERSONIC cruise missiles
China’s New Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarines
China’s best weapons of war
China’s plan to destroy the F-22 and F-35 in battle
China to get Russia’s lethal Su-35 fighter this year
Chinese implicated in US F-35 military hacking case
Israel linked to FBI's iPhone hack
China’s Fighters, Drone Look Like U.S. Aircraft
China orders military battle ready
China's hold on South China Sea tightening
China is now stronger than ever
Will This Trigger World War III?
Chinese Navy’s Fleet Will Outnumber U.S.
Disorder in US army goes off scale
US in crisis? Chiefs admit they are UNPREPARED
U.S. ability to fight major overseas war in doubt
U.S. Navy keeps sidelining its best surface ships
Another Year to the junk F-35’s Timeline of Delays
The Pentagon’s $10-billion bet gone bad
Russia’s Military Capabilities
Russia's Kirov-class battlecruisers
Russian special services warned Belgium
European authorities overwhelmed
Freed Guantanamo jihadis have murdered Americans
Muslims demand FBI cancel counter-terror program
Brussels & Paris were rehearsals for “big” attack inside U.S.
China to impose new tax on imports
Chinese warships to join major US-hosted naval drills!!!!!
Chinese newspaper praises hacker for spying on U.S.
Accepting transgenderism is child abuse
Satan’s corporations pressure georgia for sex perverts
Georgia governor bows to satan
Christian hacked to death
16 US Ships Still Contaminated With Radiation
U.S. Carrier Group Exits South China Sea Days after Arriving
North Korea threatens preemptive nuclear strike
Muslims murder 72 Christians
Muslims immigrants murder Europeans in Belgium
Muslim stomps on Brussels memorial
Muslim prayers allowed in public schools
Muslim isis crucified a priest on Good Friday
Blacks murdering blacks
Blacks murder Brit in San Francisco
FBI Stat’s of the Africanization
‘Pedophile Island’ Back
Hillary backs Muslims-Christians left to die
We’re Frightening Close’ to Losing Christianity
CIA rapes & makes porn
What the hell is wrong with people? (dog sex)
Satan’s Scientist eats human flesh!0
'sex slave' for more than a decade
Illegal Immigrants Get Public Health Care
Obama aiding the enemy!
2016 May
U.S. to sail aircraft carrier through disputed China Sea
China Denies U.S. Carrier Hong Kong Visit
EMP alert: 2 N. Korean satellites now orbit over U.S.
U.S. has not ruled out using nuclear weapons on N.K.
Saudis fueling jihadist 'powder keg' in Europe
WW3 Unfolding Before Our Eyes
Media Asks If WWIII Has Already Begun?
Chinese can cripple U.S. combat operations
US Mulling Response To Russia’s
Russians 'barrel roll' over another U.S. plane
Russian Su-24 aircraft buzz U.S. ship near Crimea
Russian SU-27 fighter had intercepted U.S. Aircraft
weapons gap is shrinking between US & Russia
USAF F-22 Raptors Arrive In Romania
USAF F-22 fighter jets land in Lithuania
USAF F-22s deploy to England
U.S. F-15s deployed to Iceland
US military to conduct large-scale drills
5 out of 6 F-35 still junk
Russian Next-Generation Fighters
China Successfully Tests Hypersonic Missile
Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin Accused of Giving U.S. Secrets to China
Trump Says ‘Saudi Arabia Has Plenty of Room’
Professor: Civil War “Most Likely” Outcome of Migrant Crisis
Pastors, Church & Hillary Clinton Are Bringing Terrorists to U.S.
Militias Armed by the Pentagon Fight Those Armed by the CIA
Turkey Behind Islamic State Invasion of Europe
Muslim 'No-Go' Areas Across EU
Club Med: Eight Times More Migrants Hit Europe in 2016
Muslim Migrants Force Child to Perform ‘Sex Acts in public’
Cops Told to Remove "Rape" from Muslim Attack Reports
Muslims in Germany Chant “ We Shall Conquer You”
Muslims Charged with Gang Rape
European Migration Policies Will Cause Europeans to Flee
“F Your Flag” Black Activists Stomp On US Flag
Pentagon is ‘Actually Training Islamist Militants’
Syrian Christian girls defend their town
‘Christians Return to Syrian Town’ as Situation Stabilizes
“West Will Collapse” Without Christian Revival
Yellowstone Eruption In 2016?
Large Earthquakes Could Split Japan
Approaching 'Financial Armageddon'
Earthquake Literally Shook the Entire Planet
Possible War Against Russia
Professor Calls For “Whiteness” to be “Abolished”
Sex attack of 9-year-old in school bathroom
8-yr-old girl kidnapped, raped & murdered
3rd grade girl attacked by 2 muslims
School Forces students to ‘Convert’ to Islam
Muslims Demanding ‘Respect’ invade School
boycott Target over transgender bathroom policy
England Bans Own Flag to Avoid Offending Muslims
White albinos murdered for witchdoctors
White girl attacked by blacks
Black man murders black girl
Black man murders 10 girls
Green Beret Who Beat Up Child Rapist
manager accused of trading nuclear secrets
2016 June
Russia is ready for war
Russians And Chinese In World War III
Obama ‘Unilaterally Disarmed America’
Threat from Russian and Chinese warplanes mounts
Future Russian army
Russia’s flying doomsday command center
US unable to repel massive Russian ICBM attack
Rumors of war
Russian submarine deployments
China tests ICBM capable of striking US in half/ hour
Russia’s para-drop air defense complex
MiG-31 intercepts US spy plane near Russia
NATO Deploys 4000 Troops To Russian Border
S-500 Air Defense System Makes Pentagon Nervous
anti-sat missile capable of wiping out US nav, com.& intel
China Warns America Is The "Greatest Threat To Peace
Romania, Poland may now be in Russia's cross-hairs
‘Cannibalization is Routine’ to Support Navy Deployments
US Navy Faces $848 Million Ops & Maintenance Shortfall
China to send nuclear-armed submarines into Pacific
US Air Force Can’t Afford Its Fighter Jets
Muslim stabs four women in supermarket
ISIS ‘army of orphans’
90 Mosques ‘under surveillance’
‘No Muslims on German Soil’
Muslim perverts use women’s bathroom at Airport
Muslims demand the University of Berlin turn into a mosque
EU giving transport for muslim invasion of Europe
Sweden Stunned At "Unreal" Surge In Refugee Sex Attacks
Court Orders Dad To Start Treating His 11-yr-old girl As A Boy
Obama Will Push ‘Gender Identity,’ Rules on all K-12 Schools
School to Let boys in Girls Locker Room
Girl raped by 16 to make porn in high school bathroom
Girls told overcome ‘discomfort’ of seeing ‘penises’ in showers
Man found in Womans In Bathroom
Russia to Renew Production of Mi-14
China Orders US to End Surveillance Missions
Don’t start a fire in Asia, China warns Obama
NWO Calls To Overthrow “Dying White Majority”
“Dying White Majority” is Overthrown
Pope Says Muslims Must Breed With whites
Blond-haired women forced to dye their hair
All of the white children to be destroyed
Baltimore Blames ‘White People’
described white people as 'devils'
Black man refused to tip White waitress
National security agencies are too white
The Days of Noah are Almost Upon Us
Illegal immigrant border crossings surge
Deportations Plummet
Schools must allow men in girls bathrooms
China to join US-led naval exercise
China Tests New Multiple-Warhead Missile
Sexually abused girl given help to end her life
Out of the Shadows comes the witches
Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet
Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
Hillary Approved Sending Sarin Gas to Syria
'Wiped Out': U.S. Air Force
2016 July
Tensions Between US/NATO & Russia Are Flaring
War With Russia, We’re in for a Rude Awakening
The United States Will Most Certainly Be Destroyed
General Says All-Out War ‘Plausible’ Within a Year
US destroyer gets dangerously close to Russian ship
Gov. destroying family: women to register for the draft
The list of dirty whore traitors:
Kremlin warns Washington against striking Assad
Pentagon slams Russia for striking US-backed terrorists
NATO To Strengthen Black Sea Despite Russia Warning
Why Russia Is Moving to a War Footing
Baltics on war footing as NATO tries to deter Russia
NATO to strengthen support to Ukraine
Russia assails NATO's move to deploy troops
Anti-Christian Mobs Are Erupting all over western world
Muslims Slaughter One Hundred And Twenty People
Muslim Migrants RAPE 5-year-old, and urinate on her!
non-Muslim women exist for the muslim men rape
Obama was a muslim
Media gave gorilla death more air than beheadings
U.S. & china-dangerous-confrontation
Oxford University replacing famous men with gay and black icons
Media Ignores Clinton University Scandal
Clinton Insider Reveals Bill’s Secret
Key witness dies Right Before Testifying Against Hillary
Hillary Ordered Bill to Meet with Loretta Lynch
Clinton’s emails prove she’s guilty of insider trading
Benghazi Widow to Hillary
Teen just released from brain surgery was beaten by TSA agents
Labor Secretary Warns Against July 4th ‘Americanism’
Illegals Allowed To Freely Murder In The US
Illegal Charged in Oregon Farm Shooting Was Deported 6 Times
Parents Will Violate Scripture if Daughters Use Trans-Bathrooms
If Shaq Were Transgender, Could He Play in the WNBA?
National Park Bathrooms dont Use Biological Sex
Excess health problems in lesbians, gays, bisexuals
Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem to leave Presbyterian(PCUSA)
Menlo Park Presbyterian Church to leave Presbyterian(PCUSA)
Muslim refugee rape epidemic continues
Obama flooding rural towns with illegals
Black man rapes white women just for fun
16 yr old black male attacks 12 yr old white boy
School Teaches White Kids They’re Born Racist
Schilling Warns 'White Christians Are Under Attack
American Flags Burned, Vandalized, & Stolen.
Lebanese Christian women armed
Christian Killed in Eastern Uganda by muslims
Muslim Burns 9-Year-Old Son for Accepting Christ
UK to boost border security to prevent invasion
muslim adults Enrolled In High Schools
Immigrants With Active TB Sent to Idaho
Majority of Illegals Released into Country
22 yr old muslim high school students
UN Gaining Control of US Border
Muslim invaders ‘Having A Bad Day.’ Rape A Girl
Muslim invaders Smash Up Swedish Church
Armed Federal Officers Outnumber US Marines
Corps Pushes Gender Integration to Marines
Only 7 yrs for murder!
2016 August
China Holds Massive Naval Drills To Prepare For war
Is Obama Planning War With Russia?
US Nuke Strike Exercise, responding to ‘Russia’
Russia preparing for a preemptive nuclear strike on US?
Beijing warns 'trespassers' in South China Sea
China, Not Silicon Valley, Is Cutting Edge
Chinese Nuclear Bomber Flies Over South China Sea
China Is Steering the World Toward War
How Russia Is Preparing for World War III
Growing Threat to U.S. Aircraft Carriers
US aircraft carriers are no longer the ultimate deterrent
Tech Giants bow to communists in China
Israel and the Arab world are now closer than ever
Israel gets largest American military aid deal in history
Xi Jinping wanted blood in Island showdown
Christians In Turkey Need To Leave NOW
Doomsday coming
Switzerland, land of peace, sees gun sales soar
Europe's new Iron Curtain stemmed the tide of migrants
Obama vetoes cuts to presidents' expense accounts
Another 5-year-old girl sexually assaulted
Czech President says “citizens should arm themselves”
Rape Spreading, “Weapons Permits Hit Record High” in Germany
Police arrest 900 Syrian muslims in Britain for crime including rape
EU is at ‘END of existence’
All Lives Matter Comment Gets Honor Student Suspended
Police Chief adds 'All Lives Matter' to police car
Pope says it's 'terrible' children are taught they can choose gender
‘Breaking the Cross’
Khan's secret ties to Saudis, wants more muslim migrants in U.S.
Khan Wrote Extensively in Favor of Sharia
Real Booklet Hillary’s Man Was Carrying
Islamic State destroying of Iraq monastery
Ritualistic Prayers Before Brutal Rapes, Torture
ISIS Executes, Crucifies Syrian Man
ISIS Desecrates Christian Gravesites in Iraq
Immigrant muslim stabs priest
Russia puts BLACK LIVES MATTER on terrorist list
Hillary Is “THE DEVIL”
Rio Olympics To Infect Entire Planet With Zika
Texas Teacher Sexual Misconduct Cases Increase
Female Genital Mutilation in U.S. Up 200 Percent
Blk punk attacks white man, no arrest made
13-year-old arrested for burping in class
Girl 'gang raped under desk as teacher did nothing
Student raped, murdered math teacher
Satanists push clubs for elementary schools
Men Can't Be Moms!
'Woman of the Year' Has a Penis
French are turning on their leaders
America’s Latest Failed Supercarrier
98 million Americans given polio vaccine with cancer
Dating Naked, rated as appropriate for children?
illegal immigrant wielding a chainsaw
Facebook is ran by evil
Hungary Breaks Ranks with NATO
Nine Muslims Sexually Assault Swedish Woman
Word 'Christian' Deemed Too 'Offensive' to Print
Muslim Barbarians Torture Dying Russian Soldiers
2016 September
Top commander warns Russia
Tempers Flare As Obama Arrives In China
SpaceX rocket attacked
U.S. Air Force warns it is 700 fighter pilots short
U.S. Air Force faces fighter aircraft shortage too
Another LCS breaks down
A-10 Boneyard Plan
Modern Israel Presses US for more Military Aid
Crashes up because the airplanes are getting older
German Christians forced to hide their Holy Bibles
Growing Threat Of Jihadi children
British Army Falls to Lowest Numbers in 200 Years
Truth is anti muslim & hate?
22 states fight obama’s pervert shower order
Queeries: Is it now rude to call someone sir or ma'am
Europe close to its 'limits' on refugee invasion
they'll have to lower the standards again
first female Marine fails infantry officer course
Obama murders Christian girl and blesses anti Christ muslims:
Obama’s white house threatens to arrest parents if they pay
ransom to save their Christian daughter from isis.
Obama pays 1.3 billion to anti Christ muslim iran for ransom.
Obama’s ransom a felony.
Obama say election cant be rigged
Obama sets up team to stop Russia from rigging election
Computer hackers prove Trumps right on election rigging
Obama’s presidential firsts
Emails show link between State Department & Clinton Foundation
Murdered dnc staffer was wikileaks source, not Russia
will smith say cleanse America of trump supporters
isis video shows NATO special forces training terrorists
turkey-sending-floods-of-jihadis-to-Syria to kill kurds
Two-Belgian police officers attacked by muslim
muslim husband cuts off wife’s hands
muslim-imam rapes 10 yr old boy
muslim-cleric sexually assaults 7 yr old girl
muslim-landlord attacks Christian women
muslim stabs-British-woman
muslim-men-bringing harem & gets welfare
muslims sue because free-school-unsatisfactory
How’s That “Integration” Coming?
Swedish-government-cover-up muslim gang-rape
muslims-attack-2-Christian girls-&-hack-them-to-pieces
Islamic turkey-bans-orthodox-Christian
2016 October
Planet closer to World War III than at any time
How Russia and China Could Strike the US
Israel gives china our patriot ADA tech
State Dept. Threatens Terror Attacks in Russia
China Is Building a New Long-Range Bomber
China: U.S., South Korea will 'pay the price'
Russia warns US not to intervene
Russian Tu-160M2 Strategic Bomber Upgraded
PLA Hones Real Combat Ability for Stronger Military
aggression by US against Damascus
China ‘to provide aid, & military training’ in Syria
Washington has Just Declared War on Russia
U.S. killing more civilians in Iraq, & Syria
US talk of ‘attacks in Russia, body bags, downing jets’
Pakistan threatens to DESTROY India with nukes
Indian military sounds high alert on all airbases
Muslim Sodomizes Four-Year-Old Boy In Bathroom
Muslims Ambush Christians And Massacre Them
Hillary Works With Terrorists To Kill Christians & make U.S.
Muslims Storms Homes Of Christians & Severely Beats
Mexican Drug Cartel Kidnaps Christian Pastors, &
Slaughters Them
Muslim stabs multiple people in London- no arrest made
ISIS hanging 'US spies' from meat hooks & butcher them
ISIS Smuggling In Terrorists Among Refugees
Sharia in the Twin Cities?
Muslim faces murder charges for pushing Christians
Muslim threatens to blow up elementary school in Utah
Muslim 'refugees' threaten Minnesota community with rape
Gang violence in Long Island town fuels immigration debate
Obama’s amnesty recipient kills 12 year old girl
Muslims Playing ‘Taharrush’ Sexual Assault ‘Game’ in Public
Muslim stabs nine at a Minnesota shopping mall
Special forces 'forced to run away' from US-backed Syrian
CIA Director Brennan Admits being a communist
How Is the Godless West Working Out?
ISIS' Commander Trained by US Special Forces
US Threatens to Arm Al Qaeda, & ISIS
Jimmy Savile groping teenage girl
Woman had public sex with a model dinosaur
International Investigation Into US Moon Landings
500 Year Old Map Was Discovered
Mystery heart found in Ziploc bag in field
Bizarre Blood-Drinking Ritual
Israeli Warplane and Drone Shot Down by Syria
Truth Buried Under NATO Propaganda
Muslims Cut small Children’s Heads Off With Axes
Turkey is for isis
China to DESTROY Christianity
Countries Destroyed by Hillary
School Lessons Demonise Christians
'Lone Wolf' Terrorist Narrative Falls Apart
“Tens of thousands” of fraudulent Clinton votes found
Muslims burn cars in Dresden
2016 November
Putin renovates Cold War MISSILE BUNKERS
WAR READY: US upgrades deadly rocket system
Nato jets from 4 COUNTRIES intercept Russian planes
Clinton Desperate, Russia Trains for WWIII
Russia to US ‘if you want a war you will get one
US nuclear war fears see American/Russia tension rises
Could WIPE OUT all of America's east coast in 1 swipe'
General Warns of Nuclear War With Russia
Turkey reportedly amasses tanks, troops near border
NATO, Russia to hold parallel drills in the Balkans
Russia Gears Up For War in Syria
'We Might All Be Dead Soon'
Nuclear War Is On The Horizon
US behaviour could have 'nuclear' implications
Russian state television is back on a war footing
Gorbachev warns world is at 'dangerous point'
Globalists Push for War, Russia Unveils Defensive Nuke
China unveils advanced J-20 stealth
China prepares for ‘sudden, cruel & short’ modern war
Germany to send modern tanks to Russian border
Leaked Document Shows 800 Israeli Commandos Support ISIS
We are losing control of the streets' Merkel
War in Syria would end if US stopped supporting terrorists
“State Sponsors” of ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey
Toyota Confirms KSA, Qatar, UAE & Jordan Supplied ISIS
Musilm who raped 10yr boy at Austrian swimming pool is freed
A nation 'WRECKED' by immigration
Muslim’s quite take over of your country
Muslims trash Paris
Muslim leader at Chicago: “Islam is here to dominate”
Hillary's Muslims Vow To Make Raping White Women Legal
800+ Christians killed, 800+ injured, by Muslims
Obama Team Kept List of Muslims For Top Jobs
Clinton Knew She Was Helping Islamists Into Power In Libya
60 civilians killed, 200 injured as US-led coalition strike
Christian Missionaries murdered By Drug Cartel In Mexico
Hindus Surround Christian Man & Hack Him To Death
100 Agents Threatened to Quit Over Clinton Email
CIA Officer Explains Why Hillary's Emails Matter
WIKILEAK email showing SECRET memo from ISIS
Hillary’s ISIS Email Just Leaked
Wikileaks to post Hillary’s 33k “Deleted” Emails
Clinton Campaign Admits To Corruption
Wikileaks Bombshell The MSM Won't Report!
Clinton 2001 pardon of financier Rich
Emails: Hillary Ready to Write E/O’s for Her Donors
Email shows Donna Brazile leaked debate question
'Clinton email cover-up throwback to Soviet times
Blks harass white students trying to pass
Election Officials Harass Reporters
Muslims Behead Christian Pastor And 15 More
Police demand: ‘You Must Stop Worshipping Christ’
Muslims gang rape lady in wheel chair
Muslims Declare All Christians Take Mark Of The Beast
Clinton Proposing Rigging Palestine Election
No Mention of ISIS ‘Genocide’ of Christians
She became too Westernized – Dad’s punishment: Rape
On The Precipice Of World War III
2016 December
Jihadi Compounds In The U.S. Stockpiling Weapons
Turkey Invades Syria, Backed By U.S.
Turkey daring Russia to react
Erdogan Shifts on Syria After Third Russian Phone Call
Turkey Declares War On Christianity
Turkey starts subtle game to overthrow Assad's regime
Israeli airstrikes in Syria prelude to Damascus attack?
We are ready to cooperate with the new U.S. admin.
China turns powerful US destroyers into worthless junk
Putin's super tank horrifies British military
Russia, China & India work on major attack on US $
Russia & Middle East may strike blow on US economy
Underage refugee rape & murder of female student
Slovakia is the first country to ban Islam
Illegal Immigrant Ordered Deported Accused of Rape
Inside Germany's No-Go Zones
Illegal charged with killing 10-year-old Texas girl
school ‘forces’ children to chant ‘Allahu Akbar’
Christian refugees threatened with beheading
isis muslim wounds 11 in Ohio State knife & car attack
Immigrant boys attack girls as young as NINE
Last Tango in Paris Rape Scene Was Not Consensual!
PIZZAGATE: and Mysterious Death
Pizza Gate Exposed (Code, Symbols, Death of Breitbart)
Creepy Podesta's Art Collection #PizzaGate
Hillary Clinton's Child Torture Cult
Muslim raped and murdered Daughter of top EU official
Immigrants kick man’s head and break his neck using iron bar
Muslim man KICKED woman in the head for wearing shorts
5-year-old Christian boy cut in half by ISIS
Germany Submits to Sharia Law
Muslims Slaughter 102 Christians
Muslim murderous rampage against Christians
ISIS to Crucified Christians
100 THOUSAND Muslims And Africans On US-Mexico Border
Race is on! Thousands run for border
Warehouse blaze killed up to 40
Tennessee Wildfires
Italy PM Renzi facing big referendum defeat
Obama 'encourages illegals to vote'
Trump may be right about winning popular legal vote
Thousands run for border
Record 64.7 million non-English speakers in U.S
Real Unemployment 9.5%
Trump Money Transfer Block
Evidence of ancient Egypt in the Grand Canyon
Slovakia Declares ‘Islam Has No Place In Slovakia’,
Muslims Slaughter Thirty-Six Christians
Migrants Sexually Attack Girls at City Hall Youth Party
Human Remains Near Texas Border
SPL buried ‘hate crimes’ against white kids
Obama fails to check immigrants with FBI databases
Somali ‘refugees’ entering US at highest rate ever!
planned cannibalism after cutting off lover's penis
White Woman fights off would-be robber
Abortion activists found ally in the Satanic Temple
Canada to help kids put stuff in their butts
Aleppo cancer kids denied food due to EU & US
2017 January
Sitting Ducks? All Active U.S. Carriers Sitting in Port
Dems Want War With Russia To Stop Trump
Obama threatens «armed conflict» against Russia
False Report of Power Grid Hack by Russia
White House Fails to Make Case on Russian Hacking
Russia Hack Story Collapses
Obama Imposes Sanctions on Russia 4 Alleged Hacking
Trump, Farage praise Putin for not Retaliating
US Sent ISIS $1.5 Billion in Weapons from Ukraine
Gunman who shot Russian ambassador is police officer
Ambassador's assassination organized by 'NATO
Putin Orders Full Combat Alert
NGOs to Destabilize Russia'
We Are Most Assuredly Headed For Armageddon
Did U.S. aid Al-Qaeda for a missile attack on Russia?
US to Redeploy Tactical Nuclear Weapons
Earthquakes struck the Californian border with Mexico
Russian warplanes have launched 71,000 airstrikes
CIA Coup Against President Trump
US Is Funding Terrorists' in Syria
CIA Meddles in US Election
Muslim Stabs Christian Woman Because She Was Reading Bible
Muslim "Rapefugees" allowed to stay after rape conviction
Muslims use 10-year-old girl as human bomb
Switzerland: Muslims Attack Christians Going to Church
French Mayor Decrying “Replacement” of White People
Communist Professor Advocates White Genocide
Obama: It’s ‘Inevitable’ America Is Getting ‘Browner’
Obama Administration Doubles Number of non-white Refugees
German Girl WARNS Americans: ‘Refugees Will Not Integrate!’
American Islamist Prepare For ‘Nationwide Jihad’ Against U.S.
Berlin: Seven Muslim Migrants Set Homeless Man on Fire
German crisis a warning to America
Black muslim Somalis pouring in to US
Black muslim migrants return in greater and greater numbers
Syrian Christians Restore Christmas
Sen. Graham mad over Russia stopping ISIS raid on Palmyra
Erdogan Now Accuses US of Backing ISIS
The real threat to black people is black people
Black Lives Matter is leading to more black deaths
Pit Bull Attacks Owners
Homo’s mocking the Christian faith
LGBT Exposed
Media Unleashes a Torrent of Fake News
Mexican Immigrants pillage $2.4 billion
Christians 'Defenseless' 'Under Yoke of Genocide
ISIS Lone Wolf Suspect Arrested in Arizona
Russia Accuses Obama of 'Putting a Mine'
Man found beheaded behind N.M. Walmart
ISIS praise murderer who killed 12 people
Europeans being exterminated from Europe
Greece: Muslims set fire to church
UK: Muslims in London demanding caliphate
WikiLeaks Details Erdogan’s Business Ties to ISIS
Egypt: ISIS bombs Church killing 25
CHAOS IN GERMANY: Migrant sex attacks
Muslim gang stab young local to death
HuffPost blaming female victims for being raped
British sex slave held captive and raped nightly
2017 February
Tech billionaires fear nuclear war
Russia fully prepared for possible nuclear attack
Why The Rich Are Moving To Southern Hemisphere?
Doomsday Prediction Sends Shockwaves
China could overtake US air superiority
Germany Provokes Russia To War
Germany, US Deploy Tanks, Troops To Europe
Congresswoman: There Are No Moderate Rebels
Congresswoman Who Says U.S. Funds ISIS
‘It All Looks as If the World Is Preparing for War’
Kiev gathers troops near Crimea
China deploys ICBMs near Russia:warning for USA
No Evidence Russia Was Behind Cybercrimes
Audit the Fed Re-Introduced
Obama Sends Troops Near Russian Border
Muslim migrants throw firecracker at baby
School Children Taught Muslim Prayer
Muslims set fire to Germany’s oldest church
Muslim Gangs Are Kidnapping Christian Children,
Muslim Becomes Christian, made to Eat Poison
The Face Of Treason: French Farmer Arrested
Trump Hopes Russia, US Can “Knock the Hell Out of ISIS Together”
Anti-Trump Protester Displays ISIS Flag, Beheading Video
beat up on school bus for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat
Satanic Human Sacrifices That Are Happening In The United States
Group Behind Berkeley Riot Received $50k from George Soros
George Soros Backed Inauguration Weekend Mayhem
Rise In Muslims Terrorizing Christians And Attacking Churches
Scientists mathematically PROVE the existence of God
Rothschilds: 8 times richer than the richest 8
Muslim Terrorists Kidnap Elderly Woman
Attacked By Muslim Gang
More Fake Hate Crimes Exposed
Folly of Mass Immigration
Europe Will Soon Be Muslim Because of Our Stupidity
Muslims gang rape another woman
A Hate to Kill and Die for
Muslim Man’s Sexual “Rights” Over Non-Muslim Women
Communist Goals Complete:
The Truth About Popular Culture
Imagine the outrage if this were obama
Magazine Shows Trump In Crosshairs
Blk man rapes & murders white girl
You send your kids to college for this?
Are these the people you want here?
Illegal’s Phone… Child Pornography
The Real 'Refugees'
Muslims Kidnap, rape & murder 12-Year-Old Girl
Atheist asks Girl to Accept Homosexual Marriage
Muslims make violent threats to get their way
Muslims freed after Burning 150 Christian Homes
2017 March
Fake-news Partner with the CIA
Soros Fund Execs Funded Ryan, Rubio, Bush, McCain
,Kasich, & Lindsey Graham
Soros-Financed Groups for Anti-Trump Town Halls
McCain, Graham Push For War With Russia
4 dead Russian Diplomats in 3 months
CIA controlled media & Hollywood for decades
Terrifying Armageddon Lies Ahead
China warns U.S. against fresh naval patrols
flaw in U.S. homeland missile defense system
Chinese “Making Preparations” For War With U.S.
Britain Is Sending Warships to the Black Sea
Russia's air forces to prepare 'for a time of war'
America Should Fear Russia's Bombers
China Just Made ALL Stealth Fighters Obsolete
War Between Japan & China Could Be WW III
US Flexes Its Military Muscle Off China
Army Brigades, Navy Planes Aren't Combat Ready
Chinese weapons ‘near-parity’ with West
US Nuclear Subs, Stealth Fighters To Korea
U.S. Navy kicks off military drills on Russia's doorstep
China Positions to Start WW3
China may be preparing for a preemptive missile strike on US
new Chinese tank revealed
Increased Chinese, Russian Military Activity
‘Media Coverage of Syria Biggest Lie of Our Time’
Immigrants in Europe pushing for white genocide
Germany Launches 24 Raids, Shuts Down ISIS-Linked Mosque
authorities are covering up a migrant crime wave
Media Won’t Identify Murderer who Raped Woman as ‘Illegal’
50 Million Muslims Support Violent Jihad
girl, 10, is 'bitten to death' with medieval torture device by ISIS
Muslim Migrant Anally Rapes Teenager
Germany: Pakistani Man Sexually Assaults 6-Year-Old Girl
Trump Washes His Hands of Bathroom Order
Trump Calls for Huge ‘Merit Based’ Immigration
Mexico’s Immigration Law
France On The Verge Of Civil War
France: Anti-Christian Attacks Rise 245%
Refugee ‘beheaded woman in RITUAL killing
Swedish City Could be ‘rape capital of the world
Trump Right About Swedish Rape Epidemic
isis Rapes girl And Force Her Children To Watch
Muslims savagely rape Italian man
Muslims execute Christian family
isis says Slaughter An Infidel & Cook Him For Food’
Millions Of Christians Face Certain Death by muslims
Egyptian Christians Are Fleeing For Their Lives
isis man Butchered Over 500 People & Raped 200
Muslims Attack A Christian Man And His Son
Hellacious Sweden, ‘Where Females Fear to Tread’
Jesus statue’s head returned
Muslims Born in U.S. Will Be ‘Army of Conquest’
‘half-naked girl, 15, killed in suspected satanic ritual
LGBT Activist Admits To Targeting Children 3 - 7
2017 April
Sub fleet, combat patrols reach Soviet-era levels
‘Marble’ tool could mask CIA hacks with Russian I.D.
Moscow, Beijing To Bypass US Dollar
Korean war Ready to blow!
Commies in the U.S. push Russian to start nuke war!
Obama Spied, Media Lied
Conspiracy to spy on Trump exposed by NJ judge
Trump Victim of Obama’s Deep State Conspiracy
More Reports Show Obama Administration Spied on Trump
David's Sling, With Range Three Times Greater
“Conspiracy Fact”: The CIA, Afghanistan’s Poppy Fields
Foreign Tanks Now Match the M1 Abrams
Russia adds to its nuclear attack submarine fleet
China’s Defense systems for sale
China to Expand Marine Force by 400%
F-18 and the F-35
Russia Has Created A Devastating Zircon Missile
Five ‘muslim Arab migrants’ gang-rape little girl, 7
EUCOM Commander Calls For Larger Armored Force
Pentagon Insists More Troops Needed
Pakistan Forces Christians to Convert to Islam
New Scientific Discovery to Support Creation
“MIT” Physicists “discovery could offer partial proof of God”
Flash From Faraway Galaxy Leaves Astronomers Puzzled
Drudge Warns Trump Surrounded by Traitors
Dobson names 'villains' in plot to destroy American families
Jewish Man Arrested For Spray-Painting Swastikas On Home
Live rape viewed by at least 40 people. None called 911
Police told woman to stop calling 911 before she was murdered
Deputies arrest woman's fiancé that came to her rescue
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